Captain Hunter Williams

Name Hunter Williams

Position Alpha Team Leader

Second Position Chief Archaeologist

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species (If not Human, consult GM) Human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4
Weight 220
Hair Color Brown (with hints of gray)
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Hunter is tall and fit, working hard to keep himself in top shape in order to keep up with the young bucks he leads and is surrounded by in the SGC program.


Spouse Michelle Williams (deceased)
Children Chandler (adopted son)
Macy (daughter)
Melonie (daugher in law)
Charley Rose (granddaughter)
Father Jason Williams (deceased)
Mother Charley Williams (deceased)
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Hunter is the 'fatherly' type having grown up and spent most of his life int he AF, obtaining more and more enlisted rank and responsibility. Even more so after reactivating to the AF. But that doesn't make his a soft-pushover. He's a dad's dad, a dad created and trained by the absurdity of military service. And that does, unfortunately, come with the dad humor.
Strengths & Weaknesses Hunter's primary strength is in his dedication to those with whom he serves/leads. In some ways he transferred his feelings of inadequacy in raising his own children to those young enlisted under his command. This becomes a weakness as well when he'd rather work to exhaustion on trying to better young men and women who may not want to become better.
Ambitions Hunter's previous ambitions in life were to find a purpose to his life. He found that in the AF the first time - protecting his fellow airmen, helping out other service members and protecting his country while obtaining the education he always wanted. Then it was to retire and spend time with his family. After the passing of his wife, his only ambition was to find a purpose again.
Hobbies & Interests Hunter enjoys hiking, camping and outdoors activities (which was good considering the bulk of his activities as an AF PJ). He also enjoys studying ancient cultures and belief systems.

Personal History Hunter Williams was born into a lower middle class working family. Unfortunately his father, never the best of people in the first place, wound up committing his felony DUI topped off with a manslaughter charge and was sent to prison while Hunter was still a young boy. After the sentencing, his mother moved them away to an area where a single mother could have a chance to raise a child alone without abject poverty.

Hunter did his part in trying to do well in school, as well as a standout sports star but neither was enough to get him the necessary scholarships he would need to continue to college without massive student loan debt. With his love of history, archeology (especially where it related to the commonality of religious myths across the globe) he didn’t think student loan debt would be a good idea.

Which left him one choice - military service. With that he hoped he could qualify for the GI Bill, get his undergrad degree and then find some way to continue with his graduate work afterward. Due to his age he was able to graduate at only 17 where his mother, reluctantly, signed the paperwork needed to allow him to enlist. But despite the macho cache of the Marines/Army, his mother would only capitulate to the Air Force or Navy - thinking it would keep her son safer. Hunter choose the Air Force.

After basic airman training, he was able to qualify for parajump school, at least allowing him to go to the elite service of the Air Force. Shortly after completing PJ training, he met a young woman - Michelle. Romance blossomed despite her insistence she would never date another person in a uniform again. Older than Hunter by a few years, she was previously married to a police officer who was killed in the line of duty. However, love sometimes cannot be denied and the two eventually were married and eventually had a daughter of their own. Hunter would also eventually officially adopt Michelle’s son as his own as well.

Life would be as difficult for any married enlisted but as things changed in the world and the assignments became more burdensome for his wife and two children, they decided that Michelle and the kids would settle in one area and buy a home. Hunter would come home as often as he could but technology was beginning to make the loneliness less. During this time, and with Michelle’s encouragement, he began his college work. Using distance learning and the Military’s college classes he completed his bachelors in archeology with a minor in history. It took much longer than normal due to his duties as a parajumper and various conflicts in the world making it harder to take classes. Because of this he took some time away from classes.

Eventually, however, Michelle nagged him to continue his education and obtain, at least, his masters in archeology as a fall back. She was insistent that after he obtained his retirement eligible years in the service, he would leave the Air Force and join his family full time. She wanted him to have something he could do afterward instead of trying to find a menial job.

At 38, after completing his twenty years necessary for basic retirement, Hunter left the Air Force to return home. He continued to work toward his Masters while also contemplating other options. Eventually he joined the local sheriff’s department. Unfortunately he worked for only six months after the academy before Michelle was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. It spread rapidly and Hunter quit his job to care for her full time. During this time he continued to insist his children continue with their education - the money he saved from the Air Force was always intended to make sure his kids never had to worry about paying for college or going into severe debt to attend.

After Michelle died, he focused only on his studied, eventually completing enough credits to obtain his Masters of Archeology. He considered then working on digs or maybe teaching but neither seemed to satisfy him. After Michelle’s passing he seemed lost and his mind continued on the only time that anything seemed to make sense. It was at this time that representatives from the Air Force reached out. They made promises of OTS (now that he was not oly a college graduate but held a Masters it only made sense) and would send him back to lead PJ teams. Hunter gave it a few weeks to think about. His kids were grown adults and moving out on their own - they didn’t need him. The years he spent in the Air Force had taught them self-sufficiency and self-reliability. His wife was gone and even rejoining the sheriff’s department lacked appeal because it just reminded him of the time that he was able to actually spend with Michelle.

He agreed to reactivate his service, went to OTS and then the surprise was given to him. He wasn’t sent back to the Mid-East to lead teams and missions there as he expected. He was instead sent to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex and a secretive government project there. He still led a elite team but to missions unlike anything he’d ever dreamt of before. It quickly became apparent why they sought to bring him back in - not just for his PJ background but as an educated archeologist who concentrated on comparative religion was definitely helpful for the Stargate program.