Master Warrant Officer Bhen Dae
Name Bhen Dae [Bran]
Position Security Investigations Officer
Rank Master Warrant Officer
Integration Methods
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Human/Betazoid | |
Age | 37 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6'2 | |
Weight | 200 | |
Hair Color | Brown | |
Eye Color | Dark Brown | |
Physical Description | Tall with an athletic build, Dae contains elements of both his human (Finnish) and Betazoid heritage. He's often seen with a smile on his face and a ready joke. In some instances others may notice his artificial right arm and right leg but never the artificial right eye. |
Spouse | N/A | |
Children | Daria, age 6 - custody with mother | |
Father | Deceased | |
Mother | Nyliana Ferric | |
Other Family | Kaarina Neiminen - Grandmother Benjamin Neiminen - Grandfather Unspecified Betazoid family |