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Tue Jul 5th, 2022 @ 3:07am

Lieutenant JG Alice Sommerville

Name Alice Hypatia Sommerville

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species (Please consult with GM about hybrids) Human (Nosov)
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 71 cm
Weight 15 kg
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Despite her English first and last name, Alice has the complexion and facial features of someone originating from Earth's East Asia Region. And despite her extreme diminished stature, Alice has none of the physical characteristics associated with dwarfism. Alice appears as a normal human, except in miniature. Alice has a fit body that is very pleasantly curved with long, straight hair.


Father Michael Lovelace
Mother Ida Sommerville
Siblings(s) Arliss Lovelace
Selma Sommerville
Other Family Geraldine Ramirez

Personality & Traits

General Overview (Personal Attributes, Values, Learned Languages and Life Skills) Like most Nosovs, Alice is gifted in a number of scientific and artistic disciplines, though she excels especially in electronic and computer engineering, Although by Nosov standards, Alice is barely out of her adolescence, she had contributed to a number of minor but still significant improvements in various devices used in the Federation, such as the Starfleet tricorder. She is both ambitious and confident. She might be more than a little bit arrogant in her youth, but she has the abilities to back up her attitude.
Traits (Strengths/Weaknesses) & Leisure Profile (Hobbies/Interests) As a Nosov, Alice has a Da Vinci level intellect, though hers is coupled with a certain level of cockiness due in part to her relatively young age. Part of that cockiness is to cover her insecurity. As the granddaughter of Geraldine Ramirez (her paternal grandmother), the women who was the grand architect of the plan to destroy the Borg threat. Alice both admires her grandmother and is worried that she cannot live up to the standards set by her grandmother's accomplishments.

Alice's great love is zero G ballet, both performing and watching, and especially adaptation of classical Russian ballets to a zero G environment
Personal & Career Goals (Short & Long Term) Alice's career goal is to have a remarkable Starfleet career, followed by becoming the Chair of the Department of Electronic and Mechanical Engineering at the University of San Francisco, which ranks as one of the Federation's most prestigious universities.

Alice's ultimate goal, one she does not admit even to herself, is to make a name for herself as significant as her grandmother's.
Miscellaneous Information (Anything Else You'd Like To Share) Like most Nosovs who spend time around normal sized humanoids, Alice keeps compactible exosuit frames that aid her in functioning in non-Nosov sized environments.

Alternate Universe History (Only fill out if your character is found in Stasis) The alternate universe of Alice Sommerville never had an Eugenics War. It had what might be called a Eugenics Peace. The two defining individuals of that world were Soviet dissident Inna Barulina and SAS veteran Sir Rutherford Ffolkes.

In the 1950s, with the beginning of the Cold War, many gifted scientists, artists and thinkers were concerned for the survival of the human race. Specifically, they were worried how the human race would survive what they considered the inevitable environmental holocaust that would befall the Earth. One prominent scientist who held these fears was Inna Barulina. Inna Barulina was not only the Soviet Union's greatest geneticist, she was the most brilliant geneticist in the world at the time. Her work and theories were decades ahead of her time.

In 1955, Inna was able to defect to the West and moved to San Francisco, where she founded the Lomonosov Society. The Lomonosov Society was a gathering of scientists, diplomats, statesmen and artists who were ostensibly working for the betterment of the world, but who also planned how to best prepare mankind for a post-apocalyptic world. Many members would "mingle" and produce gifted progeny. Inna would use techniques she had developed to not only reinforce the positive genetic traits the parents were gifting their children with, but also introduce new traits to help their descendants survive a post-apocalyptic world..

One of the traits Inna introduced was shortness. It was known that shorter people lived longer, were less likely to suffer from physical ailments such as joint degradation, and would use less resources than an average human being. While doing so, Inna also eliminated complications that often occur in extreme reduced height, such as bowing of the legs, hunching of the back, and crowded teeth. In short, the shorter descendants would be normally formed. Just shorter.

Initially, the descendants of these genetic manipulations would merely end up on the lower end of the average height spectrum. Over the centuries, though the height differences from other humans would become dramatically pronounced.

Forty years later, Sir Rutherford Ffolkes, British MP and highly decorated veteran of the various and increasing numbers of "brush wars" that were popping up all over the world, was deeply concerned over the global rise of militarism and ultra-nationalism. He would form the Vegitius Club for like minded British veterans. Their dual mottos would be "If you desire peace, prepare for war" and "If you desire peace, work for justice." The Vegitius Club would soon have an international membership, and would eventually be the foundation for a network of communities that emerged from the end of World War III. Members of the Vegitius Club would avail themselves of some genetic modification, but most of their mental and physical prowess was due to an idealized Spartan-like training that incorporated the best techniques brought in by veterans from across the globes. These "New Spartans" (or simply Spartans, as they would eventually be known) emerged from the ruins of World War Three not looking to take over. They had been trained to resist militarism. Instead, they began scouring the planet for those individuals they thought best suited to help best rebuild the planet.

By the end of the twenty-fourth century, humanity has become a semi-caste society based on their genetic background. Non-modified humans still make up the vast majority of the human race, and these non modified humans still produce some of the greatest leaders, generals, artists and thinkers the Federation has ever seen. But most feel more comfortable following a Spartan into battle, and the great advancements in the Arts and Sciences come from Nosovs (as the descendants of the original members of the Lomonosov Society are known). The Spartans and the Nosovs aren't the only "niche" communities of humans in existence, but they are the dominant ones in human society.

Although genetic modification does not have the stigma in Alice's universe as it does in others, as a rule, none of the other members of the Federation use genetic manipulation to the extent humanity has.

At the end of the twenty-fourth century, the average human male stands one hundred and seventy-five centimeters tall, while the average female is one hundred and sixty two centimeters tall. With a proper lifestyle, a human might expect to live as long as a hundred and thirty years. In comparison, the average Spartan male is one hundred and ninety six centimeters tall and the average female Spartan one hundred and eighty centimeters tall. Average Spartan intelligence is slightly higher than average human intelligence. Although Spartans do not enjoy the Vulcan-like strength that the Augments of the prime universe had, they are naturally stronger than most humanoids, with bodies capable of accelerated (though not rapid) healing. A healthy Spartan has been known to live up to a hundred years.

The average Nosov male stands at 92 centimeters, with the average Nosov female only 84 centimeters tall. Alice, at 71 centimeters tall, is at the extreme lower end of the Nosov height spectrum. Despite their smaller size, Nosovs are extremely durable and have highly concentrated muscle fibers in their legs, allowing the average Nosov to jump their own height.(Among Nosovs, this feat is known as an Alberti). Nosovs have lifespans and aging processes comparable to Vulcans.

As a rule, most genetic niche groups live among themselves. Spartan families are especially reclusive, with Spartans usually only emerging from them to serve in Starfleet's military branch or a similar venture. (In the Eugenics Peace universe, Starfleet has two distinct branches, one dedicated to defense, the other to science and exploration. In war time, the latter is subservient to the former). The Vegitius Club has evolved into the Vegitius Order, a secular organization with religious-like rituals and beliefs. The Vegitius Order allows non-Spartan humans and non-humans as members into its ranks, with its current leader a Klingon named Worf. In the military branch of Starfleet, it is almost impossible to get promoted above the rank of Commander without being a member of the Vegitius Order.

Nosovs live in their own communities, though often these are attached to other larger communities of non-Nosovs. Such communities are happy to make their public business and facilities "Nosov accessible." A few Nosovs have served in Starfleet's exploratory fleet, though none-to-date have ever served in the military branch. Those who do serve carry a custom designed collapsible exoskeleton frame that uses nanites and other technology, allowing Nosovs to easily operate among their "giant" crewmates.