
  • 4 Mission Posts

Last Post

Fri Dec 1st, 2023 @ 8:38am

Kevin Hatch

Name Kevin Hatch [Zanzi]

Position Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist

Character Information

Gender Male
Species (Please consult with GM about hybrids) Human
Age 45

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2" /1.88m
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Kevin is on the tall side and radiates confidence wherever he goes. His hairline is starting to thin and his facial hair is consistently a little scuffy. He is physically fit, though. He also enjoys good meals. He wears a leather necklace with a medallion in memory of his wife.


Spouse Lizette (deceased)
Father Craig
Mother Miranda
Siblings(s) Mason, Daniel, Willow

Personality & Traits

Alternate Universe History (Only fill out if your character is found in Stasis) From Zanbar Universe, see Cenva Zanzi