Lieutenant Heather Honey

Name Heather Anne Honey

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species (Please consult with GM about hybrids) Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3"
Weight 146 lbs.
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Extremely tall and well figured, Heather is hard to miss. She keeps her blonde hair short and well groomed, or at least she did when she had decent access to a barber. She has a number of scars from the conflict that have not had a chance to be removed by medical technology beyond simply being closed. Yet she is a truly beautiful woman and the sadness behind her eyes gives her a quiet maturity.


Father Henry Honey
Mother Rebecca Honey
Siblings(s) Algo Honey
Hank Honey
Malcolm Honey
Robert "Robbie" Honey
Other Family Numerous uncles and aunts with a large extended family.

Personality & Traits

General Overview (Personal Attributes, Values, Learned Languages and Life Skills) Shy and reclusive, Heather likes best to be left alone. Years of being the odd man out has left her with an outsider complex and has a hard time integrating into new groups. Thanks to over a year of bloody conflict she is haunted by night terrors and more than her fair share of post traumatic stress disorder.

She values life above all else, even doing what she can to save the life of an enemy if she can. The past year of war has tested her and forced her to do things she normally would not, leaving her more traumatized as she has now taken lives.

She speaks Federation Standard as well as a passing familiarity with Vulcan, Andorian, and Denobulan.

She is very skilled with medicine and thanks to training with folk remedies and needing to learn to use outdated techniques due to supply shortages, she has proven her skills time and time again.
Traits (Strengths/Weaknesses) & Leisure Profile (Hobbies/Interests) Strengths
+ Calm Headed
+ Able to delegate tasks and act as a leader when she needs to
+ Skilled in unorthodox medical practices

- Painfully shy
- Severe PTSD
- Poor Social Skills

She used to enjoy exploring the wilderness and spending time out doors, but has had little time for that recently. She loves to read, preferring what could best be described as cheesy romance novels.
Personal & Career Goals (Short & Long Term) In the short term she simply desires to survive the war.

In the long term she hopes to find a place to call home, retire from Starfleet and open a small clinic.

Alternate Universe History (Only fill out if your character is found in Stasis) In the year 2265, ten years after a rogue ship attacked and decimated Starfleet, the Kzinti suddenly attacked the Federation. Outmatched and outgunned the bulk of Starfleet was lost in only a matter of weeks, even Earth itself fell to the Kzinti within a year of the start of the war. With no option but retreat Humanity now survives on a handful of colonies remain, using every technique they have to stay hidden. Those of Starfleet that remain are looked down upon with disdain and even if they were not involved in the fight, they are still held to blame for the crushing defeat. Only a handful of Starships remain, having been outfitted with stolen cloaking technology in an attempt to evade the ever present Kzinti and their never ending hunt.
Personal History (Childhood, Adolescence & Adulthood Experiences Before Starfleet or Civilian Career) 2133 - 2151 - Early Life
Heather was born on a colony just on the edge of known space, Theta Sigma IV. She had it rough as a child, growing up with the simple farm life. She was the youngest of 5 children, all boys before her. So she was raised in a rough and tumble kind of way. From a young age she loved taking care of others and learned quite a few folk remedies. When she came of age she got a scholarship to study medicine on Earth. After many painful goodbyes she left her home and set out to find herself on Earth.

2151 - 2155 - Phlox Medical University, Inter-species Medical Program
If life was hard on her home colony of Theta Sigma IV, Earth was a paradise. She didn't have to work and instead could indulge in her studies. She started out outgoing, but as time passed she discovered most could not understand her or the life she came from so she began to become increasingly reclusive. She enjoyed Earth for what it was all the same and would often take long walks enjoying how safe and secure Earth was compared to the more dangerous backwater place she was from. She was about four years into a six ear program when everything changed. A rogue Kzinti ship took out much of the fleet and suddenly Starfleet was making a made scramble to get officers to fill positions that were lost in the decimation of the fleet. Heather would be recruited with little persuasion, knowing full well that her skills as a doctor would be useful in space.
Starfleet Service Record AND/OR Civilian Career History 2255 - 2259 - Starfleet Academy
Starfleet Academy was both very different from what she had expected and exactly what she had expected. Like the university she was an outsider, though now she was an outsider among people from all over the known galaxy. She did her best to keep her head down and focus on her studies. She was already on her way to being a skilled physician when she joined Starfleet, but thanks to her classes and a good deal training in a variety of situations, she was quite skilled a her time at the university came to an end. It was on her cadet cruise when a rogue virus took the ship and made several members extremely hostile and aggressive that she was assaulted by what had been her closest friend. She would be left more emotionally scarred than physically, but those would be far more long lasting.

2259 - 2263 - USS Tora, Medical Officer
After leaving the Academy and finishing her Cadet Cruise, she was assigned as one of the medical officers on the USS Tora. She did well, though once more she did what she could to not stand out too much. Despite this should could not help but stick out thanks to her skill as a physician. She proved to be both skilled in the surgical suite and the area of bedside manner thanks to her gentle soft spoken manner. Before long she was promoted and made a junior officer, but that was only the beginning. After 4 years of proving how good she was, she received her first major promotion.

2263 - 2265 - USS Tora, Assistant Chief Medical Officer
For the first year as Assistant Chief Medical Officer things went well, but in the second year it all went to hell. The Kzinti attack came suddenly and without any real warning. In the years since the initial attack it had been assumed that the original attack was simply a rogue ship, instead it had been meant to test the actual strength of Starfleet. This attack was an attack of extinction. Within a year Earth had fallen and for that year it was a fight to simply stay alive for Heather and the crew of the Tora. In the end it was useless and the crew was forced to abandon ship, self destructing in an attempt to tack out as many of the Kzinti as possible.

2165 - 2166 - Starbase K-4, Chief Medical Officer
Once she was recovered by the fleet with a handful of other escape pods, Heather found herself on Starbase K-4, on of the few remaining space stations, kept afloat by the usage of a stolen cloaking device. She did what she could with the supplies they had there and even participated in a number of battles as even with a cloaking device and using the stations retrorockets, they were found multiple times by the Kzinti and boarded. Yet they had fought off the beasts time and time again.

Then one night she went to bed, but woke up in a very different place.