Aspen Nova

Name Aspen Nova

Position Counselor (Certified Medic)

Character Information

Gender Female
Species (Please consult with GM about hybrids) Genetic combination of Human and Aenar
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 140 lbs
Hair Color white/transparent
Eye Color illuminated blue
Physical Description This image captures a striking portrait of a woman whose presence is accentuated by her noticeable blue eyes and the glasses perched on her nose. The glasses, with their substantial frames, not only serve a practical purpose but also add to her distinctive style. Her gaze, possibly accentuated by the lenses, holds a depth that suggests intelligence and curiosity. The dominant color theme of the image is black, which might hint at the color of her attire or the background, providing a stark contrast that further highlights her features.

Interestingly, the woman's likeness to a doll is noted, suggesting that her features are finely chiseled and possess an almost ethereal quality. Her facial expression, captured with great clarity, seems serene yet enigmatic, inviting viewers to ponder what thoughts might be crossing her mind. The person's overall appearance is captured with such detail that it scores high on the human face recognition, underscoring the precision of the portrayal.


Children Genetically unable to procreate
Father DNA Sample
Mother DNA Sample
Other Family Doctor Hasburg

Personality & Traits

General Overview (Personal Attributes, Values, Learned Languages and Life Skills) She does enjoy building model ships and learning about new species when time alots. Aspen is very compassionate about healing others, be it physically with the medical knowledge she has acquired or helping heal the traumatized.
Traits (Strengths/Weaknesses) & Leisure Profile (Hobbies/Interests) Telepath who has been trained by Betazoid experts.Very good at scouting in dark environments. Telepathically resistant to mind control. Unable to procreate due to genetic alteration of her body and DNA. Telekinetic untrained.
Personal & Career Goals (Short & Long Term) She hopes to one day find a perminate place to stay and help more of the masses that are in need. A starship would be ideal since it can move but she has yet to join the Legion to serve among the bigger ships.
Miscellaneous Information (Anything Else You'd Like To Share) She does not know much of where she came from other than the outcast Betazoid family.

Alternate Universe History (Only fill out if your character is found in Stasis) In the one she came from, Khan Noonien Singh was a more diplomatic leader than most of the time. This led to the advancement of space travel much earlier and thus, the Andorians were the first to make contact with the second term President, Singh. The Andorians were curious about humans and eager to learn more about their culture. The Vulcan, which would be discovered later, were more reclusive and suspicious of the Humans. This led to the first war between the recently formed Andorian-Human alliance and Vulcans. Each species that was encountered was brought in by choice to the newly formed alliance over the natural rate of encounter. Tellarites were the first species to ally themselves with the Andorian-Human Alliance by choice. Most of the military force vessels were prefixed by LSS, Legion Star Ship. This led to the Andorian-Human forces' success in the battle against the Vulcans, who by this time had joined with the more savage Klingons. Having ended the war, the Legion would go on to form officially in 2099 with the founding members being of Earth, Andoria, Tellar Prime. After the war, the Legion worked to dissolve the alliance between the Vulcans and the Klingons, allowing them to slowly be absorbed into the fold. The Legion would go on to advance themselves across the galaxy with its diplomatic ways. However, when diplomacy failed, they were there with their fleets to defend the Legionnaire worlds.

As the alliance grew, the most useful technologies were absorbed and eventually outfitted to existing ships. The leaders in this division were the Tellerites, being natural engineers. Research is acquired through diplomatic channels but is very rarely shared. The Civilian ships often times were a generation behind in technology but were capable of defending themselves with advanced shielding allowing them time to flee when needed..


With genetic laws, experiments in species unification began in the late 2100s. The first of these experiments were authorized by Andorian and Human scientists. Enter illegal manipulation. With the written law stating that only genetically compatible species were allowed to be ‘enhanced’, statute 382-4F3 of the Accords which was amended from Earths law of genetically enhanced humans being permitted with written government approval, it was not long before the illegal trade of DNA hit the Orion market.

The Orions had managed to obtain ‘specimens’ through the slave trade. A station known as O-677, a mobile base, was established bringing the Orions into the foreground. While Earth and it’s alliances were being established, the Orion Syndicate had taken over most of the fringe part of the galaxy. Using nebula tactics to lure ships to their doom, this provided many escape pods from many species. What they did not need, they simply killed.

The Orions were very successful until they came across the Romulan-Gorn Confederacy. When several attempts were made to obtain the DNA of both the Romulan and Gorn, a war broke out that resulted in the Legion acting as a neutral party. The Legion, who refused to join for the sake of seeing who essentially won the war, stood by as both species endlessly began to massacre each other. In about year three of the war, the Orions managed to essentially decimate the Gorn worlds and managed to obtain a cloaking device from a downed Romulan warbird. This managed to turn the tide of the war in the Orions favor as they were able to compensate for the nebula effect with the cloaking device. This enhanced the ability for Orion forces to move undetected in the vast nebulas that surrounded the Romulan worlds. The Romulans sought out the Legion, who by this time were eager to get their hands on the weaponry that the Gorn and Romulan forces had.

The tides if the war changed around 2116 when the Confederacy joined the Legion. This forced the Orions into retreat into the nebulas where they remain today

Personal History (Childhood, Adolescence & Adulthood Experiences Before Starfleet or Civilian Career) Aspen Nova is a product of genetic manipulation/cloning from two samples, one human and one Aenar. Nothing is known about the samples other than they were purchased by one Doctor Hasburg from Orion traders. She was raised by an outcast Betazed family once her telepathic abilities presented themselves. When she was old enough to train in advanced fields, she went with her desires to help and assist others with mental issues that could not be resolved by medications alone. Much of her career was serving on various starships and starbases that required her skillset. Once she was no longer needed, she would seek out others that needed her assistance and follow them to aid them.

What was Hasburg’s motivation for purchasing the samples?

Doctor Hasburg's motivations for purchasing the genetic samples that would eventually become Aspen Nova are unknown. It is possible that he was interested in studying the potential for genetic manipulation and cloning, or that he hoped to create a being with special abilities. Whatever his reasons, Hasburg's actions had a profound impact on Aspen Nova, who grew up to be a compassionate and talented doctor dedicated to helping others.

What are some of the challenges Aspen Nova has faced as a telepathic doctor?

Aspen Nova has faced many challenges as a telepathic doctor. One of the biggest challenges is that she is constantly bombarded with thoughts from everyone around her. This can be very overwhelming and distracting, and it can make it difficult for her to focus on her work. Another challenge is that she has to be very careful not to let her telepathic abilities interfere with her medical treatment. For example, she cannot read the minds of her patients, as this would violate their privacy. She also has to be careful not to let her emotions be influenced by the thoughts of others, as this could cloud her judgment. Despite these challenges, Aspen Nova is a very skilled and dedicated doctor. She has a deep understanding of the human mind, and she is able to use her telepathic abilities to help her patients in a way that no other doctor could.

What is Aspen Nova's specialty as a doctor?

Aspen Nova is a telepathic doctor who specializes in psychiatry. She is highly skilled in her field and is dedicated to helping others. Aspen is also very compassionate and understanding, which makes her a valuable asset to any crew. As a telepathic doctor, Aspen is able to use her abilities to help her patients in a way that no other doctor could. She can read their minds and understand their thoughts and feelings, which allows her to provide them with more effective treatment. Aspen is also able to help her patients overcome mental blocks and barriers that they may be facing. She is a powerful and compassionate doctor who is making a real difference in the lives of her patients.

Recent History:

SS Autumn, having been lost in a nebula for some time, came upon a vessel that without warning fired upon the unshielded ship. In what was the equivalent of a massacre, the ship abandoned all the people they could. Aspen sat in a lifepod adrift for what was about a week before an Orion vessel managed to rescue her. What she did not know at the time was that the Orion vessel was the same one that had traded the DNA of her parents and also carried Doctor Hasburg on board. Since she had not seen him for quite some time, she did not recognize him nor read his thoughts when she arrived in his medical bay. The doctor ran a full panel of tests on Aspen just before getting in a fight with a Orion crewmate. Weapons at ready, the Orion crew violently escorted the doctor as well as Aspen onto his personal shuttle and forced them off ship. Once in space, the Orions took a few shots at the shuttle, disabling the engines and damaging the life support. With less than four days of life support remaining, the drifted nearly endlessly into the edge of another nebula.

Starfleet Service Record AND/OR Civilian Career History SS Malcom - Counselor’s Aide
SS Harbinger - Counselor Aide
Starbase 168 - Tellar Prime - Counselor Aide
Earth - Formal Training for Doctorate
SS Destiny - Counselor
SS Hasbeens - Counselor
SS Autumn - Nursing Training - Ship Lost