A Farewell
Posted on Sun Mar 10th, 2024 @ 5:04pm by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] & Commander Emma Peel [NPC][Nova] & Lieutenant JG Aemrialis [Cronin] & Lieutenant JG Ursula Koi [Cronin] & Ensign Andronikos Jaesan [Cronin]
1,564 words; about a 8 minute read
M2: Culture Shock
Location: Stationary Orbit of Delta Base
Timeline: After "Report In"
Pioneer's Nebula Coffee Co Lounge (NCC Lounge) aka Ten Forward, A Little Later
Cronin stood with a mug of hot chocolate at one of the large windows, he tapped his combadge as he glanced over at the small boxes on the top of the nearby table. A padd was there face up and a list on the display next to the boxes. "Keys to Koi, Rogers, Aemrialis, Jaeson and Peel could you please join me down in the NCC Lounge,"
He was interested in how his officers were going to react to what was about to happen to them.
"I got you pitchers of coffee, raktijino and one of plain brewed tea," Malinda said as she set a tray onto a table, mugs clinking against each other. "Also sugar, cream, lemons - far from the tea because we don't need another lecture from Christian regarding acid with acid. I'll have an assortment of pastries out in just a few minutes, anything else you would like?" She stood to the side, waiting for an answer.
Slowly an eyebrow rose as he watched the Server, Malinda Baldwin he believed was her name, though Malinda was on an NCC name badge under her combadge. Cronin smiled and walked over to inspect the beverages. "Thank you Malinda, this probably won't take long but I will ensure they have some of this." He didn't want to touch on the whole acid with acid lecture that his MACO leader apparently gave to her and probably whoever he could make listen and so left it out of the conversation.
A Coridanite Male approached, gestured at both Malinda and what she had put on the table. "Captain I hope everything meets with your approval?" Nebula Coffee Company Representative, Lounge Manager and Bartender Calabrass asked, though it was somewhat muffled by his protruding silver coloured mask but still clear enough to hear as they were close to each other.
"Yes it does Mister Calabrass, thank you. Perhaps some small carry boxes so they can take them away?" Cronin asked though he was looking at Malinda when he finished speaking with a second's glance at Calabrass before focusing on Malinda again.
"Certainly, Captain," Malinda said with a smile before turning away to prepare a small stack to put near the back of the refreshments.
The two were content watching Malinda do her job, though Cronin did nod his thanks to Malinda before he glanced off through the window again until those he invited showed up.
Security Office
"We should limit the number of participants to begin with, as a means of testing how..." Brownie narrowed his eyes and shook his head, "testing how unicorns fly in space without breathing."
"Okay," Rogers said, his back to his sergeant. "Wait..." he turned around, the replicator panel still open. "Did you say unicorns?"
"You said you were paying attention," Brownie said. "We do keep coffee out in the common room."
"Coffee," Rogers spat out, horrified at the idea. "No, I want this stupid replicator malfunction fixed. How does someone make it so a person can't get a decent mug of ice tea!"
Brownie was about to answer when the comm line buzzed, the captain calling Rogers to the Lounge.
"Get someone down here and make them understand how displeased I'm going to be if this problem isn't fixed," Rogers said as he stood, grabbing his PaDD. The idea of having another meeting with Keys and him going all morning without his tea. "And I swear to all the gods if they send that Zumanovovic idiot and you let him near my office, what happened to Chancellor Gorkon will seem like a picnic compared to what I'm going to do to you."
"Yes, Lieutenant," Brownie said flatly as he worked to keep from rolling his eyes. "We still need to-"
"When I'm done," Rogers said as he walked out of his office.
Nebula Coffee Co Lounge
"Captain," Rogers said as he approached the ship's commander by the Lounge's windows. He hoped to get the greetings out of the way before everyone else showed up. He hoped he would have enough time to get Malinda to brew up a pot of tea for him, then a mug with lots of ice. Sometimes being the CO of one of the Lounge managers had some benefit to him. But then he saw the pitcher of amber liquid and ice. For the first time since waking up and stumbling to the replicator for his first mug of tea, the scowl left his face and was almost, for a moment, replaced with a smile.
Glancing over to the MACO leader Cronin nodded. "2nd Lieutenant Rogers, I had a feeling you'd be first. Thank you for coming," he said.
Just then Lieutenant JG Koi walked up and greeted both of them.
"Lieutenant Koi, thank you for coming." Cronin said and gestured to the assortment on the table. "Please help yourselves to any of this while we wait."
"Thank you," Ursula said though eyed their Captain for a moment, then another before she decided to carrying on.
Cronin chuckled at her expression before turning back to Rogers for his.
"What sort of problems are we going to be dealing with today?" Rogers asked the captain in between draining the first mug quickly.
As Rogers spoke both Aemrialis and Jaeson walked over and greeted them all.
"Ah, just waiting on Commander Peel and we can begin." Cronin said, "help yourselves to whatever you life." He gestured to the table of refreshments and food.
Commander Emma Peel entered the room and made her way to the table and got herself a cup of plain tea, with sugar. Picking up the cup, she made her way to the table and sat down in one of the chairs. She looked at Cronin, nodded "Sir. Sorry for being late, captain. Commander Nova and I were discussing crew rosters and we lost track of time."
He turned to Peel and nodded in greeting. "Hello, ah yes the rosters, how are you doing Commander?"
"Before we start Captain," Rogers said interrupting politely and offered a padd to Cronin.
He read the padd and frowned, it was a transfer request for him and his team to Delta base, though enclosed was a plan for advanced training guide for Security and Tactical officers to go through. Cronin planned to have another MACO team come and put this plan into motion, he was sure Delta base had a few teams who would want to be on a ship.
"Very well, sorry to see you and your team go 1st Lieutenant Christian Rogers." Cronin said as he put the padd down and picked up the small black box. He offered it to the MACO leader. "Thank you for all your hard work so far. Congratulations. I will still recommend you and your team for Operation Clean Sweep."
The MACO leader accepted the box and saluted the Captain before he turned to Malinda, it seemed that this wasn't the first she had heard of this and Cronin saw her small frown as she went to Rogers.
"Excuse me Captain," Malinda said and Rogers said the same thing a moment later along with his thanks for the promotion.
"Of course." Cronin said his voice dropping with sadness that the MACOs wanted to leave the ship. He watched their exit, since they were orbiting Delta base meant they could depart immediately once they packed their belongings. He planned after this meeting he'd meet with the other MACO teams.
He turned to Emma and frowned. "Well I have new work to do, you can take our former Chief of Security off those rosters you mentioned, 1st Lieutenant Rogers will be transferring to Delta base as you just heard, effective immediately along with the MACO team." Cronin said sadly, "I will be looking into replacements from Fleet Support as all personnel matters are through them."
"Understood, captain." Peel looked over the Padd that contain the roster. "Will we be able to see who is available before you have to make a selection, sir?"
He smiled, "I hope so, I'll send you a ping along with the profiles Commander. Oh the assistant chief security officer position is still empty as well," Cronin said and turned to Ensign Jaesan." He gestured at the Master-at-arms. "Will you accept filling both Chief and Assistant Chief for the time being? I will promote you to Lieutenant Junior Grade for all your hard work since Wyrick was placed in stasis."
"Yes sir and thank you sir," Andronikos replied and with a somewhat strained smile. Clearly worked hard, luckily nothing major was going on so that was a bonus.
"Excellent, congratulations Lieutenant Junior Grade Jaesan, I will direct the new officers to your care upon our return from the base." Cronin said.
"Aye," Andronikos nodded. "Understood, I'll be ready to help them catch up with all that has happened."
"Thank you," Cronin gestured to the others present.
Commander Peel congratulated everyone who received a promotion with a handshake.
To Be Continued...