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Crossing The Rubicon Part 1/5

Posted on Tue Dec 24th, 2024 @ 11:12pm by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] & Lieutenant Ailig Keys [Cronin] & Lieutenant Commander Paisley F'rar & Callisi Veera & Master Chief Petty Officer Akosass Th'idran [GM]

1,275 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Culture Shock
Location: Ledosian Trading Hub, Aboard Station 02.
Timeline: After "Permission to Dock" and "What You Might Find In A Market Parts 1,2,3"


Docking Pad 9 - Exodus Section, Ledosian Trading Hub, Aboard Station 02

Three figures waited on the Exodus marking of Docking Pad 9, either waiting for a transport, or waiting for a transporter. One of the figures was large, imposing, and somewhat asymmetrical. The looming figure of the Slate merchant and Core-Priest, Craglin. The second figure wore an EVA suit of immaculate maintenance and design, with a rainbow sheen fluid visible in the dome of the helmet but no figure within. This was Bilblioploplbob, the Trilark money changer and technician of the team. How any tongue was supposed to pronounce that name was beyond hope. It learned to accept 'close enough', or a nickname. Blib, was both.

The final of the three was Callisi herself, sporting black pants with a grey hexagon pattern print, a black top that dipped a little below the neckline. Not a uniform, but certainly a deployment. She wore a flight jacket over it all, with various patches from missions flown during her military service. Many patches, many missions, many miles.

"This is the place." she told her companions. "Now we wait." which prompted a gentle rumble from Craglin, and the 'shoulder' mounted translator decided that this rumble meant, "I.Enjoy.Waiting."

The doors to the guest landing bay opened and Lieutenant Ailig Keys walked out with Master Chief Petty Officer Akosass Th'idran beside him, the two left their Security escorts back at the Type 8 Shuttlecraft that they flew over to the Ledosian Trading Hub which was located on Station 02. "You know where we will start, right sir?" Sass asked as they stepped through the opening door.

This was it. This was their moment. Callisi stood a bit straighter, a callback to years in service. Blib 'saw' what she did, and echoed her. Lacking anatomy, it relied on the encounter suit to handle all the motions. Then there was Craglin, who slowly lumbered to the straightness of a stalagmite. A low rumble started from his core, and sent out a small local sensation of a sub-sonic hum. Just a sensation. Though enough to trigger the translator on its shoulder. "Standing." is what it decided that rumble signified.

"It's called Attention, Craglin." Callisi whispered, and then another rumble from Craglin, "I.Have.No.Tension." it responded, and while Callisi nearly knocked her good eye out with the facepalm, the trio shared a soft laugh. She shook her head, then looked over at Keys and his Master Chief. "Hello, please don't mind Craglin. Today they're a comedian."

"Please, at ease," Ailig said automatically then frown. "Why would you-aren't you a civilian merchant?" Ailig asked confused for a moment but did not let it show as he assumed an 'at ease' posture.

Master Chief Th'idran stayed a step behind, but the thaan was holding a padd and so it was difficult to assume any official military stances with it.

Ailig continued quickly. "Plus, you aren't a member of our Starfleet and so do not need to do this." The officer however assumed that the woman in front of him did have military experience, though was not sure for how long. He'd ask of course once back aboard the Pioneer. "Forgive me, I am Lieutenant Ailig Keys, Flight Control Officer and Support Craft Pilot from the Federation Starship Pioneer. This is," Ailig greeted and gestured to his companion. "Master Chief Petty Officer Akosass Th'idran, our Commanding Officer's err..." He realised that Yeoman is probably not translatable in terms of meaning.

Sass interjected. "Our Commanding Officer's secretary or personal assistant."

"Thank you, Master Chief," Ailig said with a smile. "We are here to bring you back to our ship, as our Captain offered."

"Callisi Veera, civilian merchant. Where I'm from, everyone serves in the military at least three years. I was a pilot for a number of years, I don't know how the ranks would translate over, but I was in charge on my dropship. Hard to take all that training out just because your service is over." she explained. "This is Blib. Their actual name is essentially unpronounceable, but we have their blessing to shorten it." and the encounter suit gave something of a salute. A fist over its chest, where a heart would be, thump thump as they tapped twice. Then the bubbles and burbles started from within the suit, bubbling up inside the dome of their helmet. The voice translation came through speakers on the helmet, "It's a pleasure to meet, and be met. Hail."

"I handle the day to day financing, economic tracking, cost balance equations, and generally make sure that the ventures we undertake end favorably. I'm looking forward to meeting new acquaintances." it continued. "And yes, you have my blessing to also use the shortened term for my identity. Blib. Such a silly word."

Callisi gave a soft smile, "And our longest lasting friend, Craglin. They're a ninth generation core priest, and can trace their lineage back seventy-five thousand years. Though, it'll take an actual year to hear it from them." a rumble then started somewhere in Craglin's vicinity, a deep bass thuuuuuuum. The object attached to what was collectively agreed upon to be its shoulder then started to translate. "Long.Lives.Many.Families.Must.Impress." and then it slowly mimicked the salute Blib provided.

"You're not getting much conversation out of Craglin. I'm amazed they can even realize we're in the same room. Anything quicker than a minute almost goes right by their people usually, but Craglin's pretty good at paying attention to us 'Soft Ones'." she actually made the air quotes. "I think they can go as low as a few seconds, but if they seem to space out, just remind them we're all still here and actually alive. Trust me, they're as curious about us as we are about them."

"Lieutenant, Master Chief, we're at your discretion." she returned the conversation to the two officers. "Lead on."

"It is most pleasurable to meet you all as well, Miss Veera, Blib and Craglin. I'm sure the conversation will turn to your military service once we meet up with the others," Ailig said with a smile. "And I agree, it is difficult to leave military at the civilian door. Indeed, this way." He sidestepped to turn around, as did Sass.

The two Starfleet officers glanced back over their shoulders at different times for the conversation continued. "How long had your Captain decided to stay here at Ledos for?" Ailig asked.

"Well, I'll share what I can with the rest. A lot of grey book ops, but some were black page, so I just hope they understand that there's going to be a few forbidden topics." Callisi replied. Blib's helm bubbled for a moment, "I usually suggest to Shipmaster Hideo that two weeks is the absolute limit for a merchant on the move. It gives plenty of time for word of mouth about wares to spread, and by then I've gotten leads on the next few legs of the next supply run."

"You military prior?" Callisi asked of Ailig.

"Hopefully we can get our business with you started within that time, you know Diplomacy between powers can take too much time," Ailig didn't envy his partner as the Captain is a defacto Ambassador. Though thankfully Kelleg was onboard. "As for military," he smiled. "Starfleet, our organisation, is pretty much our power's military, however we aim for peaceful resolution first." They soon arrived inside the guest landing bay and made their way to their shuttlecraft.

"Ah, finally," the Ledosian traffic instructor announced with a sigh. "I have other pilots to see, you know."

To Be Continued…


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