The Die is Being Cast Across The Rubicon Part 2/5
Posted on Tue Dec 24th, 2024 @ 11:15pm by Lieutenant Ailig Keys [Cronin] & Lieutenant Commander Paisley F'rar & Callisi Veera & Master Chief Petty Officer Akosass Th'idran [GM]
1,377 words; about a 7 minute read
M2: Culture Shock
Location: Ledosian Trading Hub, Aboard Station 02.
Timeline: After "Permission to Dock" and "What You Might Find In A Market Parts 1,2,3"
And now the continuation…
"No we didn't know," Ailig replied, "you failed to mention that nor a time limit on our transit which was approved by your government as 'freely' I believe." The Flight Controller grinned as he led their passengers and the other officers present back into the shuttlecraft. "Please have a seat and prepare for departure, next stop our ship Pioneer."
Apart from a grunt of disapproval and a sigh of annoyance after the Ledosian sat down, he remained quiet for the return flight, that was odd, he was in Ailig's face before and nitpicking just about everything.
Callisi inspected the seating and restraints for the other two before seating herself. An old holdover from her days as a troop transport pilot. Once she herself was seated and secure, she gave a nod to the pilots, almost a reflex at this point. "I find that a looming deadline helps the diplomatic process. Father always joked that if it wasn't for the last minute, the hour's work would go undone."
Back in the main shuttlebay and softly landed, the shuttlecraft's back door lowered. Ailig, Akosass and their Security escort exited onto the shuttlebay floor. Akosass relayed that they were back onboard to the Captain via comms and was instructed to have their Security escort assist the traffic instructor with whatever the Ledosian required.
Ailig gestured for Callisi, Blib and Craglin to follow him out into the corridor. "Welcome aboard the Federation starship Pioneer, an explorer type vessel, of course quite capable of defending itself against most attacks." Ailig began, though that last part was mainly for gossip should the merchants decide to sell the information. "Master Chief Th'idran is tending to our Ledosian 'liaison', they will join us later." He said as they walked a few metres in the corridor.
"A magnificent vessel." Callisi offered with her first step out of the shuttle, with the same casual nature one would use to compliment someone's house. Indeed, these vessels became the homes of those who traveled, so the comparison wasn't too far off.
Blib was the next off, and their mannerisms suggested they were taking a look around, "Spacious and pleasantly colored, I do approve." though it paused to turn to Craglin, "A new ship, a new hum. What does THIS ship tell you?" and the Slate priest stepped out, putting a foot onto the deck in something of a ceremony.
Every Federation ship had a hum. The reactor, the engines, the very systems of the ship all contributed to the background hum that ran through the decks. Some where used to it within days, others couldn't sleep without it, but it was the pulse of the ship. Craglin was silent for a moment, then would hum back, then wait, then hum. The stony creature was soon humming at the same pitch as the background hum of the Pioneer.
"Traveler." the shoulder mounted translation device soon interpreted. "Shepard." came more words. Concepts. The translator was earning its keep today. "Following." and then Craglin relaxed. Well, relaxed was a strong word, but its attention was now on the others, as opposed to some far off point in existence. The rumble from its own core began again.
"Ship.Traveler.Following.Stars.Eager.To.See." it proclaimed. Blip and Callisi looked at each other, then to the others around, "Craglin says... what does it say?" Blib turned to the rabbitess, who was just as thoughtful as one could imagine the fluid of Blib was.
"Craglin says that this ship is a fine explorer, and that the Pioneer is eager to see the next star." she said, mostly as a guess, but she sold it well. "Sometimes it's hard to figure out what it means, but it always means well." Craglin seemed to agree with the assessment. And the compliment.
The three followed along through the corridor. "I suppose the first question would be, what are you allowed to show us? I understand the notion that not all doors open to guests, and as much as Craglin might love to meet the core of this vessel, and as much as I might enjoy the chance to see the helm, I understand there are limits to hospitality."
Blib piped up, "Perhaps a visit to the medical facility? Ship born pathogens might be a concern for Callisi. I myself have six degrees of Trilark Certified filtration between me and the outside world, and Craglin, well..." the Slate then rumbled in what was universally regarded as laughter.
"Craglin actually CAN'T get sick." a pause, "At least, we don't think it can."
"Well, I suppose we can do Main Engineering, though security will be present. We can start with the easy areas, this way." Ailig said and gestured. "I liked what Craglin said for our ship, it is very fitting, and it is our intention to explore as much as possible. I will let the Captain know your words, Craglin. He will be pleased."
The flight controller saw the yeoman catching up as they walked. Soon they arrived at the NCC Lounge, "this is the Nebula Coffee Company's Lounge, where our crew relax when not on duty, we are able to hold events and other services here should the need arise.
A Cordanite male approached with a mask over their face, though it looked like it was part of their face. "Welcome to the N.C.C Lounge, honoured guests. I am the representative of the company and my name is Calabrass, at the moment I am the current manager."
"Hello Mister Calabrass, we will be starting the ship tour here, perhaps our guests could sample a few Federation popular beverages?" Ailig asked with a smile.
"Ah yes, that sounds like a great idea, please come this way to the bar." Calabrass gestured for their visitors to follow to the bar area at the back of the lounge, opposite the large windows at the other end of the lounge and actual front of the Pioneer's forward hull.
As the manager spoke to his staff, Ailig turned to Blip, Craglin and Callisi. "Does liquids erode the Slate?" He asked the rock being but glanced at each one as an open question.
By this time, Akosass had rejoined them and had ordered a Klingon coffee with honey to calm down after helping the Ledosian off the ship. The old man informed the Yeoman that they were free to move about the stations and planet surface, except anywhere near the Ventu barrier.
Sass had acknowledged this and had watched the Ledosian shuttle collect the liaison, then leave. It was such a relief. "Oh, so good to be free again," the Andorian Thaan said with a sigh. They smiled at their guests. "After the Lounge I believe we can go to the Arboretum followed by Sickbay, we can decide where to go next once we are in Sickbay." Sass said and had a large gulp of the Raktajino.
Callisi and her entourage looked around and enjoyed the site of such a comfort spot in the front of the ship. "Anything this comfortable in your Navy, Callisi?" Blib burbled, and Callisi just shook her head, "No, never." then they were guided to the bar. No matter where in the cosmos, there was a bar. "Calabrass, greetings and good meet." Blib sounded off first, with Callisi giving a nod thereafter, "Good to meet you." and the Slate behind them all giving a bow of its form and a rumble, "Declaration of joy at initial meeting" the translation unit provided. It seemed to have pre-programmed responses to certain rumbles, rather than translations of each quake.
At the question, though, the non-lithovores shook their heads, "Oh no no no. No. No. Okay, I imagine there is, but if you had it on tap we'd all be in trouble." Blib replied, and Callisi confirmed, "It's sweet, but it isn't glucose. No it's fine. I don't think it actually drinks like we do. Craglin. Want a drink?" and the rumble came a moment later, with the translator starting up, "No." came the quick reply.
"Anything to munch on?" she asked, and another rumble. "Limestone."
"You're on the clock."
To Be Continued…