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What Is Your Story?

Posted on Fri Jul 8th, 2022 @ 10:33am by Lieutenant Commander Lochlan Noir [GM] & Lieutenant JG Jem Lockley [GM] & Lieutenant JG Thaddeus Quint MD [GM]
Edited on on Fri Jul 5th, 2024 @ 4:09pm

2,035 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Interdimensional Archives
Location: Starbase 616, Medical Center
Timeline: After "Talrian Awake"

Lochlan smiled. "Well I can tell you that this station was commanded by my counterpart from their universe as the computer recognizes me as Commanding Officer." He began, "the other news is your quantum scan matches ours, so you are home. However, I'm sure we have some intelligence we are dealing with aboard and it may not let us leave."

He would ask about the Shrike later. "We checked our records, it showed you and your team were assigned to the Atlantis. All were listed as lost. May I ask what happened to you all?" Lock inquired.

And now...

Treatment Center, Starbase 616

Talrian sighed. "The Atlantic, Commander," he said as he adjusted on the bed. "I got confused by that in the beginning as well." He figured he'd stalled too long in answer the question. He was certain that Starfleet would like to know what happened to the ship after six years. At least this way the families could be fully notified. "We were on what was supposed to be a routine scientific survey to a binary quasar in the Quaner sector." He frowned. It was still unexplored territory at that time, had Starfleet fully mapped and explored the area by this time? "We hit some sort of anomaly which caused an engine malfunction and threw us into a faulty warp bubble. Next thing we knew we were in another reality. The one where I've spent the last six years fighting the Federation. There the alliance with the Vulcans and Andorians never happened and the galaxy was split between the Federation of Planets and the Systems Alliance, which included Earth." He grabbed the glass of water nearby and took a drink. "The technology in that world isn't quite up to par with our own. They never developed transporters or replicators, or many other things. The Atlantic was the most advanced ship in the galaxy over there. But that wasn't enough as the war between the Systems Alliance and the Federation continued. We were sucked into the war. For years we were in fight after fight. Then, my team was sent on an assignment and the Atlantic disappeared. Never came back for us. We completed our assignment and was rescued days later. The Atlantic was lost. We were all that was left. Over the next few years," Talrian swallowed hard. "Over the last few years, my team was whittled down to just me and Sergeant Corvus. We lost the other two just a few weeks ago. I'd like to inform their families. All the families of my team when we're clear of here, sir."

"Once you are discharged from Medical you may inform those families of your team and of the Atlantic about their loved ones fate. I wish there was some way we could find proof of the ship's destruction. Perhaps if the opportunity arises would you be willing to look?" Lock asked as he wondered what could have happened or not happened to not bring the Vulcans and Andorians into the Federation. They were founding members, not to mention Earth. He wondered about his world of Trill.

"Thank you, Commander. The Atlantic is in a parallel universe but it would be nice to close the file on that issue." He shifted on the bed and let out a breath. He and that ship hadn't gotten along - the squints were especially squinty there and had resisted Talrian and his team on the ship. Until they were drawn into the other universe and suddenly pure scientific knowledge wasn't stopping torpedoes and disruptor attacks.

"Our last mission went bad. It was listed as a listening post, but it was a long range weapons platform, capable of several non-aligned and Systems worlds. We obtained information that others were created as well. My team were killed in the firefight to escape and destroy that platform. I was seriously injured Sergeant Corvus did what he could but our supplies were limited. The shrike was damaged in our escape, our warp engines knocked out. We survived three weeks but were coming to the end of our resources and still had decades left to go before we were in safe space at our current speeds. Then the station just appeared. At our speed, if it were already there, we would have seen it hours, days, before we were that close to it. But it appeared out of nowhere, pulled us in and then..." Talrian shrugged, "we were herded here. A combination of forcefields and preprogrammed turbolift commands. And something else, some...entity...that tracked us. Once in the cargo bay, it locked us in there and then flooded it full of anesthezine gas. Corvus still had his armor, so he was okay for a bit, but I didn't. I guess Corvus put me in a stasis pod."

Talrian stood then and faced Noir. "Have you seen him? My sergeant?"

Lochlan nodded. "He is in the pod opposite yours. We will wake him once you are discharged," his tone elicited no argument. "We were on a survey mission in the Typhon Expanse, it went smoothly. Upon our scheduled return to Starbase 219 we found this station instead." He frowned. "During the exploration of the station it seemed to, as you said, herd us to the Stasis pods. However the computer or some form of the computer seemed to be able to deactivated the forcefields where I was a few times on the way then contacted me via a Stasis pod's display with a command code request as it recognized me as the Commanding Officer."

He sighed. "I complied with my code which happened to be the same as my counterpart's, that unlocked the computer. Though as you mentioned an Entity seems to be attempting to seize control over the station but now the computer is keeping it at bay. We are not sure what the Entity's purpose is but it probably is the reason why you and others are in Stasis." Lock offered his theory.

Thaddeus and Jem stood off to the other sides, they listened intently to both. Lochlan could only wonder what Jem's scientific mind could be working on, he'd talk with her later.

"Understood, Commander," Talrian said in a tone that suggested it was anything but. "I want to be there when you open his pod though. We went through a lot and I owe it to him to see him out and safe."

"Of course but you had been injured. I think if my injured superior had been wakened first I'd want our rescuers to treat them before waking me." Lock offered and smiled, "he is in stasis and not going anywhere nor would anyone wake him without my permission Captain. Just relax and make sure you are fully recovered."

Talrian held his sigh. "Yes, Commander," he answered, feeling his leg. Feeling that all he did was feel it, not the pain and tight bloat he'd remembered only a few, relative, hours earlier. "But as you've said, Commander. This is a new, unfamiliar situation and he was armed last I saw of him. I don't want to see him injured or harmed. He's a good young man and excellent NCO. Not to mention a medic good enough to keep me alive for weeks."

"You will be there to calm him down, and we are also examining your pod for additional information about how it works. I would like to make sure we are doing it correctly before we wake anyone else..." Lock was interrupted by Thaddeus.

"...Yes, I'm sure you'd feel better about us knowing if how we are using the pods systems has any affect on the occupants, both short and long term. Considering we aren't the builders of this station we aren't sure about its technology, in particular medical technology. This is why I would like to observe you for any bad effects from your time in stasis." Thaddeus explained, he grabbed a medical tricorder he'd brought from the ship and scanned Talrian several times with several different filters.

Lochlan spoke up. "While that is going on, can you tell me if the Entity said anything at any stage of your time awake?"

"No, sir," Talrian answered. "It just sort of...loomed. Approximately humanoid shaped but it remained in the shadows. I felt a presence around but didn't see anything until we got into the cargo bay where the pods were located. I'm sorry, Commander, I can't be more help there."

"What do I need to do to get released?" Talrian asked of the medical staff. He frowned to hear his tone. Had he sounded ungrateful for what they've already done to save his leg?

Thaddeus was already taking scans and uploading the data to a nearby padd. "Just another hour or so to make sure your body is healing. It will do so in its own time and no matter how much you complain it will not go any faster." The Doctor said full of annoyance. "If you wish I can sedate you so your perception of time is cut short?" Thad asked and glared at Talrian daring the other man to even attempt to continue to argue.

"That won't be necessary, Doctor," Talrian said flatly. "I think I've been asleep long enough." He pushed himself to a resting position on the bed. "We're really home?" he asked in general. "After all this time, we made it?" Then he sat up again quickly. "Sir," he said, addressing Noir, "My shrike, did you see it? Is it still there? it'd look kind of like a shuttle craft mated with a very large bird."

"No we have not explored the shuttlebays yet and frankly I think we should leave the docked ships to those who they belong to check them first. The only problem is if they wish to leave, they may not be in the universe of their origin so I've instructed Security to keep it locked for now." Lock replied then nodded. "You are indeed home. Though let's focus on waking the occupants and getting off this station once all are awake and able."

"Understood, Commander," Talrian answered then frowned. "Sir, I want you to understand that this is speculation based on what I experienced and what you told me but we may be dealing with two or more factions on this station."

Lochlan nodded. "Agreed." He glanced sidelong and rubbed at his chin with the side of his index finger. "The two that have acted seem to be occupied with each other at the moment as we haven't had any other issues since I unlocked the computer." Lock said though coughed, "apart from the still active forcefields but even those seem to be different at any given time. Though it is too dangerous to explore too far," he added returning his attention back on Talrian. "Once the Doctor gives his ok for you, we will wake your Sergeant, a security officer will be your guard. I understand you have been in cold sleep for however long--"

Thaddeus spoke up. "It is completely different to regular sleep or rest. I'm not going to explain it to you Captain, you rest now and later I will release you, not a moment sooner." He said and eyed Talrian for a moment then turned to Lochlan. "You sir, have plenty of work to do, I will send him to you once he is released. Now I must insist you leave."

"Yes Doctor." Lock said with a raised eyebrow though the smallest smirk was on his lips as he turned to leave. "See you soon Captain, I suggest you do as the Doctor orders." With that he walked through the medical doors and into the corridor.

"Like I have a choice in the matter," Talrian muttered, "a Klingon death warden would have a better bedside manner." He lie back and closed his eyes. He had nothing to pass the time, but he had to pass it somehow. At the very least, though, he and Sergeant Corvus were back home and the two of them, at least, were safe.



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