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Abduction of an Abductee Part 3/3

Posted on Fri Jul 8th, 2022 @ 1:48am by Cenva Zanzi & Game Master

882 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: How Did It Happen? Prequel Stories
Location: Zanbar Universe - Abandoned Space Station
Timeline: Day of Station Encounter

Her eyes went wide and she was momentarily at a loss for words. "No, I'm out. You should have brought some other sucker on this little adventure to explore an abandoned station." As she started to walk away, Kevin grabbed her wrist. He moved his hold to her hand, comforting her with a gentle squeeze.

"We just need to follow the lights. They're like bread crumbs for Hansel and Gretel."


"It's an old fairy tale from Earth. There were these two kids who went out into a forest one day and left a trail of breadcrumbs in order to find their way back home... So the light trail is like the breadcrumbs for us to follow, to find who left the distress signal on the station. Then we can find out what sort of help they need and ..."

Cenva noticed the ominous shape again. This time it was at a distance but that did not make it look any friendlier. "How do you follow breadcrumbs back home? I've been in a forest before and I cannot imagine being able to find one piece of bread on the ground, much less be able to find a trail of it. And what if a little tree rat comes along and eats the bread? Then what do you follow?"

"All good questions," Kevin conceded. "The kids do lose their way and there's a gingerbread house and a witch and I guess it's not really a good example of anything. Forget I mentioned it. The thing is, this is what being in Starfleet is all about. Solving mysteries... The mystery of the abandoned space station!"

"Well, can we go somewhere else? I keep seeing something moving in the shadows and it's not giving me a welcoming feeling. Where do we go next?"

Kevin released her hand and gestured to a flashing light. "How about this way?" Putting Cenva in the lead, he rested a hand on her shoulder to reassure her that he was following.

They walked on in silence for a few minutes. She contemplated the story Kevin had started and why he chose to not finish it. At the end of the corridor, a large bank of computers hummed quietly and flickered random displays on the monitors.

Cenva righted a chair at the computer controls and pulled herself up to one of the panels to take a closer look at the readouts. She touched the display tentatively. "I think that..." She turned to address Kevin, but he wasn't behind her any longer. "Kevin?"

She sighed, it was just like him to go wandering off alone, forgetting that they were working as an away team. She stood up, turning back the way they’d come, looking into the darkness. A deep rumble filled the air. And a muffled cry. Then silence.

"Kevin?” Her call was small and was followed by an involuntary whimper.

A sound like thunder surrounded her. She spotted the turbolift they had arrived in and dashed down the path she had come from moments earlier.

Every light went dark. In the next few steps, she ran into a wall, falling to the ground. She screamed as she was hoisted up from the floor. She couldn't see what she was fighting against but she knew it was the figure in the shadows, the ghast that had appeared behind Kevin.

A sharp pinch stung into the muscle of her buttock. She took one last deep breath before fading away.

With the assistance of the Excomps, the shadowy figure supervised as its newest specimens were laid into empty pods. It had given into frustration at their lack of doing as instructed so had decided to scare them as its masters taught it.

They were easily subdued. There were indications that the female most likely would regain consciousness first as the stasis pod's door was more than half way closed. The shadowy figure remained just on the outside the pod to be a deterrent to either of their escapes.

Cenva’s limbs tingled and she tasted copper as she regained her senses. Her ears rang and she recognized the feeling as one where she was coming out of a faint, not from sleep. Her eyes registered the lid of a windowed coffin closing over her. She quickly pulled the remaining senses together, pushing back at the lid with both arms and legs, but it had already closed too far and no amount of fight would open it again.

As the gasses filled the stasis chamber, her scream was muted by the strange air. She could see it. Then her vision fogged and the unnatural sleep of the stasis pod claimed her.

Once all was set, the shadowy figure found that the interdimensional transit device, as it had come to label it, was charged and so triggered it. Sadly it couldn't configure a destination due to the locked out station's computer, though it had wondered if the device had a programming function at all. Unfortunately with the lockdown it couldn't investigate. Soon the station got encased in a variety of extradimensional energies of different properties, colours and a tesseract formed around the station. In moments the tesseract effect pulled the station from the 'Zanbar' universe and to a random one.


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