
Sim Start

Posted on Wed Apr 29th, 2020 @ 11:42pm by Captain Cronin Keys [GM]

Greetings players,

Welcome to Project Delta. As our first mission starts, if you wish to post about your character's life up to joining the project please do in the Pre-Launch mission. If you have Delta quadrant species for your character we can work on your joining the project but we may have to wait before it is posted.

Until then you can have a NPC on the Pioneer, please let me know, however I request that it is not a chief position.

As I said in the Join pages, if any Delta quadrant species characters you want in Starfleet will have been in contact with Neelix and given the Academy training course. It is secure with a password that Neelix would have given to the character. It would be 4 years crammed into 1 or 2 years, Neelix would have also been the one to administer exams and transmit them back to Earth for grading.

For any Delta quadrant species want to be in the Merchant Marines, they would be given provisional positions and ranks and be assigned to a mentor to help them and informed of our arrival by secure subspace transmission but advised to meet with Neelix.

Delta quadrant species seeking to be civilian consultants would have been informed of our arrival along with instructions to meet with Neelix and if any have any personal transport can be given a parking spot on the Pioneer when we arrive.

I'm happy to help with anything to get you involved.
Thank you for your time and looking forward to simming with you.

Gamemaster and Commanding Officer, USS Pioneer
Captain Cronin Keys
Project Delta's Starfleet Expeditionary Task Force



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