Welcome to Project Delta!

This site still may have things change, added and or be removed without warning.




Where is this sim going:
This sim takes place in the Delta quadrant. This sim follows Starfleet’s Exploration Initiative carried out by a Task Force of 10 starships, the USS Pioneer, one of them. Their base of operations will be the asteroid colony of the Talaxians Voyager encountered prior to getting home. The Task Force will assist with the Talaxians move to a new world as our first mission. This sim will be exploring all of the Voyager series episodes and what may be the current state of the Delta quadrant after Voyager's influence 20 years ago.

How did this sim get there:
The most stable considering the rest of the options that have been researched would be the Starfleet reversed engineered Quantum Slipstream Drive that Voyager encountered when they met Arturis. The alien translator attempted to get Janeway and Seven assimilated due to their interference in the Borg/8472 war. Arturis’ ship had the drive and Voyager’s crew studied it in great detail before making a prototype in an attempt to get Voyager home as well. Sadly a variance issue triggered them to abandon it a little later on but it still got them further home.

When they did get home all their data about the drive on Arturis’ ship and the Voyager's prototype, Starfleet Corps of Engineers was able to not only recreate the drive but improve it with the entire resources of the Federation behind the project, classified of course. The project had a good 20 years research and development with the Federation's top minds and Starfleet's resources backing it. They even theorised that with 2 drives working in concert could create a big enough slipstream corridor to allow a task force to travel in tight formation with vessels equipped with the drive but not have it themselves.

When is this sim:
There is a Pre-Launch mission already set up for Past experiences your characters have had prior to the Slipstream Project (and tests which happened 2395) that started in 2378, during the project and just prior to Project Delta's launch year of 2398. This sim ignores Star Trek: Picard and the Hobus Supernova. Any references or connections will be removed in biographies and posts.

Why is this sim going there:
The Federation Council is interested in learning about the state of affairs in the Delta quadrant since Voyager's return to the Federation 20 years ago. The council wants to form diplomatic ties including trading pacts with those races Voyager had successful First Contact with. The second primary reason the council authorised this mission is to make amends to those Voyager’s crew may have caused problems for and maybe investigate the Borg Collective’s current status and activities since Voyager's report of destroying the unacomplex that housed the Queen and one of six Transwarp hubs on their way back to Earth.

What is this sim doing there:
Along with the Starfleet Expeditionary Task Force, a convoy of 42 Merchant Marine and Colonial vessels are to initiate all the trading/commerce while Starfleet supervises and working towards diplomatic relations while the rest of the explorer classed starships in the Task Force survey the unknown and re-evaluate the known space Voyager passed through.

Check out the following sites!
Several STPMA artists contributed to the above banner image. Character images (from left to right) by: Captain Marshal, Michael, Endeavour, FltCpt. Bossco, Doc Fakes, Quoshara, An-Gel Sakura. STPMA Logo by: RichMerk. Background and final composite by: Michael.
A great site to find ranksets, and uniform, images for your own roleplaying games. Owned by Kuro-chan.
Another great artist has an entire library of avatars, across a few genres, for free use at various dimensions. The owner is Fruitloop.

Latest News Items

» 6 months with Project Delta

Posted on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 3:25am by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] in General News

Thank you so much for staying with the sim for 6 months:

Lieutenant Commander Jason Morris
Lieutenant Commander Paisley F'rar

I hope you continue with the sim for another 6 months.


» Welcome a new player

Posted on Thu Apr 25th, 2024 @ 1:55pm by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] in Sim Announcement

Welcome CorCordale who will be playing Callisi Veera, a Ts'usugi Female. More information on the Ts'usugi and all about their area of space will be soon added to the wiki. They are some distance away so we will be having a few missions prior to encountering them. Until then we will probably be 'hounding' Miss Veera for all answers to our questions about her people.

» Another new player! Welcome!

Posted on Sun Mar 10th, 2024 @ 5:34pm by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] in Sim Announcement

It is exciting to welcome Chris who plays Lieutenant Commander Rafael Montoya, our new Chief Science Officer.


» Exciting, new player joins us!

Posted on Sun Mar 3rd, 2024 @ 3:48am by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] in Sim Announcement

Please welcome EirfinnaEmberheart who will be playing as Chief Medical Officer Lieutenant Commander Navesa Umyal. Welcome!

» New Player, Welcome

Posted on Sat Mar 2nd, 2024 @ 2:08pm by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] in Sim Announcement

It's awesome to welcome our new member stargirlcass will be playing our Chief Engineer Lieutenant Commander Paisley F'rar. Welcome!

Latest Mission Posts

» Engineering Introductions

Mission: M2: Culture Shock
Posted on Thu Oct 3rd, 2024 @ 9:57pm by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] & Ensign Chip Sparks [Cronin] & Lieutenant Commander Paisley F'rar & Ensign Roman tr'Khev [Cronin]


Pioneer's Deck 36

Cronin led Paisley into Main Engineering and nodded to those who greeted him amongst the Engineers. He was looking for Lieutenant Riss as she was Assistant Chief and so the best officer to help Paisley get settled into her new role, though she had…

» Arrival at Ledos Preparation

Mission: M2: Culture Shock
Posted on Wed Sep 11th, 2024 @ 3:16pm by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] & Lieutenant Ailig Keys [Cronin] & Lieutenant Commander Jason Morris & Lieutenant Commander Rafael Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Paisley F'rar & Commander Alexander Reeder [GM] & Lieutenant JG Nebuchadnezzar [GM] & Master Chief Petty Officer Akosass Th'idran [GM] & Ambassador Ruko Kelleg [Cronin]


Pioneer's Bridge

The occasional flashing of Yellow Alert illuminated the command center, they used to be a constant solid before. Cronin sat in his chair, Ambassador Ruko Kelleg with his senior aid standing to his right occupied the space just behind the Conn and…

» New Officers Joining Senior Staff Part 3/3

Mission: M2: Culture Shock
Posted on Mon Aug 26th, 2024 @ 9:22pm by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] & Lieutenant Commander Jason Morris & Lieutenant Commander Paisley F'rar

Delta Base, Chief Engineer's Office

Jason entered the room and took a look at the Captain and Engineer, "Sir," He nodded to the Captain, "Hello." he nodded lookin at the Engineer. "Lieutenant Commander Jason Morris."

He recalled he'd not asked the same question of Jason, Cronin…

» An End to the Mission Brief Part 3/3

Mission: M2: Culture Shock
Posted on Wed Aug 7th, 2024 @ 5:24pm by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] & Lieutenant Ailig Keys [Cronin] & Lieutenant Commander Jason Morris & Lieutenant Commander Rafael Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Paisley F'rar & Commander Alexander Reeder [GM] & Lieutenant JG Aemrialis [Cronin] & Lieutenant JG Ursula Koi [Cronin] & Ambassador Ruko Kelleg [Cronin]


Pioneer's Conference Lounge, Deck 1

"Yes I detected the Kazon warp signatures while on patrol back when we first arrived," Alexander spoke up. "We don't know how they got out here and unless we go looking for them to ask, I think it best we simply…

» Ts'usugi Has Wares If... Part 3/3

Mission: M2: Culture Shock
Posted on Fri Jul 19th, 2024 @ 2:33am by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] & Lieutenant Commander Rafael Montoya & Callisi Veera & Lieutenant JG Jake Simon [Morris] & Ensign Athalar Quinlan [Cronin]


Cronin laughed as he observed the celebration. “That’s okay, we have many traditions in Starfleet,” he said with a smile. He turned to Nebuchadnezzar. “Lieutenant, do you see anything of interest to yourself or the crew?”

Raf had made his way back to the Captain and Nebuchadnezzar with…

Latest Personal Logs

» Transfer

Posted on Sun Feb 11th, 2024 @ 11:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Jason Morris

"Personal Log entry, I've requested transfer from Delta Base to the next available ship. When I was approached for this post I thought it would be more adventurous or exciting than before. Alex and I could have remained on Earth and just taken vacations to new places instead of sitting…

» [PRE-LAUNCH] Stardate 55344.506 | USS PIONEER; Mckinley Station

Posted on Thu May 7th, 2020 @ 9:19am by Lieutenant Commander Thyrza Keer

Mckinley Station
Medical Officer's Log/Personal Log

I have been in high spirits since my arrival on the USS Pioneer and continue to be as Medbay is looking better and better. I reorganised everything in a manner befitting an emergency and tactical response. Medicines, both synthesized by the…