Ensign Jessica Richards

Name Jessica Beatrice Richards

Position Planetary Sciences Lead Science Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender (Contact Us if incorrect or missing) Female
Species (Species/Species if Hybrid) Human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 121 lba
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Dark brown
Physical Description (Body type, Tattoos, Facial features, Hair styles, Outfit habits and if your character has different species physical features to the norm please note them.) Slender but feminine, light olive skin, straight past shoulder length hair. When not in uniform, tends to wear either exercise clothing or comfortable, casual modern attire


Father Dr. Dennis Richards
Mother Admiral Wilma Storm
Brother(s) Dr Jonathan Richards, Dr Benjamin Richards, Cash Richards (doctoral candidate)

Personality & Traits

General Overview (Current states of mind, mannerisms, likes and dislikes, personality quirks and traits. Include learned languages if you wish) Generally cheerful and optimistic, sees life as a series of challenges to be solved rather than problems to be endured. A bit too perky at times (not the sort of person you want to encounter before your first cup of raktajino), Fluent in Standard, Spanish, French and Yanio. Can read, write and converse in Vulcan, read and write in Classical Greek, Latin and Sanskrit
Strengths & Weaknesses (Please have at least 3 of each, these can be both personality and physical. Some can be both a Strength and a Weakness depending on situation.) + Positive outlook on life
+ Confident
+ Well versed in multiple disciplines
- Overly perky to some
- Often adverse to new experiences
- Occasionally rushes in where angels fear to tread
Ambitions (What does your character wants to achieve at the time of joining the crew of the Pioneer.) Jessica plans to spend a few years in Starfleet before returning back to Academia and earning her doctorate in applied mathematics
Hobbies & Interests (What activities does your character like doing while off-duty? What does your character have a passion for that may led to an activity?) Jessica is an avid surfer and climber, and enjoys parkour as well (she has multiple trophies in all these sports). She enjoys chess and go (particularly the three dimensional version), but is at best a mediocre player at either game. She loves romantic sonnets, and has even composed a few. She has a hard copy of the Letters of Seneca the Younger (in Larin, of course), though she doesn't embrace the philosophy of Stoicism. After quite a bit of reluctance, Jessica recently started playing Anbo-jyutsu, a game which she now enjoys and has demonstrated herself as naturally gifted.

Personal History & Career (Starfleet or Civilian)

Personal History (How did your character grow up? Did your character do any civilian jobs or travel before applying to Starfleet Academy? Is your character's species a Federation member? Where did your character attend Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Schooling? Did your character live on their world or live amongst the stars? At what age did they start Starfleet Academy if they did?) Jessica was born and raised in Gibraltar, where her father's side of the family has lived since before Earth's earliest entry into space. Her mother and father still live there, though both "commute" to Paris for work.

The youngest of four children, Jessica was a tomboy growing up, which was actually surprising, given that her brothers were the "bookish" sort. Her father said it was simply proof that Jessica was her mother's daughter.

Jessica proved she was a brilliant child in a family of brilliant children by earning her master's in applied mathematics by the age of eighteen. She also surprised her family (and pleased her mother) by applying for and being accepted at the Starfleet Academy. In some ways, the Academy was a "cake walk" for Jessica. On the other hand, Jessica struggled with the Academy's program that expanded her intellectual horizons faster than she was sued to (or comfort with). In the end, Jessica would graduate in the top ten percent of her class (specializing in planetary sciences). She would even when a special commendation for her senior project, a meteorological mathematical model whose underlying algorithm was used to solve a significant weather control problem on a Vulcan colony world.

Her first assignment out of the Academy is as the most junior science officer on the Pioneer.
Service Record (From Starfleet Academy to Joining the Pioneer's Crew)(Please include the why for promotions, years, what the assignments are (Ship, station, planet base) and ages.) 2394-2398 -- Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2398 -- Junior Science Officer, USS Pioneer