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Fri Jul 19th, 2024 @ 2:33am

Callisi Veera

Name Callisi Veera

Position Science Officer, General

Character Information

Gender (Contact Us if incorrect or missing) Female
Species (Species/Species if Hybrid) Ts'usugi
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8" (6'8" with ears)
Weight 172lbs
Hair Color White Fur (Brown shocks for highlights
Eye Color Blue (No Reflection)
Physical Description (Body type, Tattoos, Facial features, Hair styles, Outfit habits and if your character has different species physical features to the norm please note them.) Callisi is a very well put-together, very well proportioned humanoid creature resembling an uplifted earth creature called a Rabbit. She has soft grey fur covering her entire form, the traditional 'cotton puff' spade shape of a tail, and lengthy ears that perk when she's listening, and flop when she's not. A quirk of Ts'usugi eyes causes them to not reflect light, and as such her remaining blue eye seem almost like an endless pool that one could drown in, if they so choose. Her right eye is artificial, lost in a combat to an enemy nation. It was replaced with an obviously artificial eye, more drone than flesh. She hates it, but for some reason hasn't replaced it yet.

Scarring around the replacement eye is nicely concealed by the patch.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Ju Veera
Mother Tsui Veera (Deceased)
Brother(s) Suuji Veera (Younger)

Personality & Traits

General Overview (Current states of mind, mannerisms, likes and dislikes, personality quirks and traits. Include learned languages if you wish) Callisi is an officer that was injured in combat, received an exceptional piece of equipment as a replacement for her eye, and hates how it looks. Her pride and her personal view of herself took a hit when the eye in her socket went online. She'd easily remove it, but it'd come at the cost of her capacity to serve. To have it replaced with a natural eye would only bruise her ego more. Thus, she hides her shame behind a patch.

Callisi is very proud, marginally vain, and loyal. She speaks five languages, though most of them are from Delta races near her hidden home system. She speaks Federation Basic, but with an accent.
She doesn't suffer insult or slights, and is quick to flare up a temper when she's directly dismissed or disregarded or insulted.

After her honorable discharge, Callisi sought to get as far away from war as possible. While she often finds herself in the middle of a good healthy brawl, she welcomes a scuffle over the horrors of war.

More information about Callisi's people, the Ts'usugi, can be found here: Ts'usugi Entry at OF Database
Strengths & Weaknesses (Please have at least 3 of each, these can be both personality and physical. Some can be both a Strength and a Weakness depending on situation.) Her pride and her ego are the source of her drive and passion. She throws herself at everything she does and gives 110%. Though, that same pride and ego stop her from admitting that a simple crack in the tea cup doesn't mean the cup is ruined. To embrace the differences and accept what you can't change is the next step to making her whole again. Noted in her file is that she was diagnosed with "Class I Operational Disfunction" though also noted is that she was cleared for service by two distinct Ts'usugi mental health professionals. The exact nature of her trauma is privileged medical personnel information.

She's impulsive, hot tempered, and quick to scorn though Ts'usugi protocol demands she not show it. A powder keg...

Her service in the Ts'usu Navy required her to be in excellent physical condition, which she's maintained. She's skilled in both ranged and hand to hand combat, though years of fighting an enemy of her people have left her with little mercy in her heart for her enemies. If you are against her, you are her Enemy. Little can change that.

Her prosthetic eye is easily detected as such, and is difficult and painful to conceal. It offers her no special visual capacity. It only lets her see again.

Callisi is plagued by nightmares of what she saw during her service in the Ts'usugi Navy. While she is cleared for duty and received an honorable discharge, the horrors of war care not for paperwork.
Ambitions (What does your character wants to achieve at the time of joining the crew of the Pioneer.) Callisi's ambitions are simple: To be useful. To join a cause and be a part of it. She wants to come to terms with her lot in life, learn to control her impulsive temper and perhaps even settle down. She doesn't see herself as the stay at home mother like her mother was.
Hobbies & Interests (What activities does your character like doing while off-duty? What does your character have a passion for that may led to an activity?) Callisi's hobbies include gymnastics and regular exercise. She enjoys building model ships and playing in simulations that put her back behind the controls of a shuttle or a personal ship. She enjoys movies and cinema, though has no tolerance for movies about cyborgs or robots disguised as living beings.

Personal History & Career (Starfleet or Civilian)

Personal History (How did your character grow up? Did your character do any civilian jobs or travel before applying to Starfleet Academy? Is your character's species a Federation member? Where did your character attend Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Schooling? Did your character live on their world or live amongst the stars? At what age did they start Starfleet Academy if they did?) Callisi had a rough childhood growing up in the Tendo district. Not that the Tendo district was poor or underprivledged, just that it was a rough neighborhood. It demanded that Callisi grow up tough enough to survive. That toughness would be tested when her mother passed away, a civilian shuttle she was travelling on was attacked by a hostile alien race while travelling abroad. All aboard were lost. It was at that moment, at the tender age of 10, that Callisi learned who The Enemy was, and why her people fought them.

From that point on, Callisi did whatever it took to get ready. Finally when she turned seventeen she put herself on the roster, and the next year for her eighteenth birthday she got the call. Her people mandated that everyone serves three years, minimum, in the armed forces. She enlisted the moment she was eligible, and proudly would serve her "Three". She'd find the ones that took her mother from her, and find the ones that ruined so much of the cosmos around them, and make them pay. Revenge was a horrible road to walk down, but Callisi had focused on this aspect for so long, that the truth of war would hit her like a train.

Her training was all encompassing. Piloting techniques, field repair, tech recognition, computer programming and repair, anything she'd need to succeed in the field. In addition to the standard boot training to turn her from an ambitious young lady into a weapon.

It was during a Grey Op, she was piloting a dropship carrying troops behind enemy lines, that she'd receive her most traumatic injury, which not only cost her an eye but forced her to have a prosthetic installed on the field. Bleeding, quivering in pain, and deep in shock..... she'd deliver the survivors back to the carrier, but from that point on Callisi was changed. She no longer sought revenge against A member of the Koldaran, no longer sought the blood of one soldier. She now knew the truth. ALL Koldaran were the enemy. That mentality would carry her through the rest of her term, and into the extension she opted for. She Upped twice, nine years of total service. She was honorably discharged with full medical offerings and compensation benefits. She returned home to live the rest of her life in peace and quiet, horribly scarred and on edge. She returned to her life now a Citizen of the Empire. Callisi the Civilian was gone.

Twitches, nightmares, flinching at shadows in the dark. Plagued by memories, she eventually needed to see the stars. Cleared for transport and given as clean a bill of mental health as any in her situation would hope to receive, she decided to enter into life in the private sector, opting for the simpler life as a pilot and a little extra muscle on local trader vessels leaving the system to trade. Departing from a Dalacari Trade Hub, off to see the stars. She'd learn from the traders as they traveled, and pick up the appreciation for the science and wonder of the worlds around her.
Service Record (From Starfleet Academy to Joining the Pioneer's Crew)(Please include the why for promotions, years, what the assignments are (Ship, station, planet base) and ages.) Callisi attended the Tendo District's standard field training academy, covering the basics of military training and discipline. Basic hand to hand training, field medicine, tactics, weapon handling... all the basics of a good soldier. She went into the dropship program and was transferred off to learn the basics, and advanced training regiment, of a dropship pilot.

She served for nine full years, seven of which occurred after her injury. Earning her the callsign, 'Dead Eye', she continued to drop soldiers behind lines, continued to run missions and sorties, continued to serve. She earned several high distinctions and recognitions, though as the years went on the medals and the ranks meant less and less. She was a career soldier, at least until she had enough of a discharge package to ensure that she'd be taken care of for the rest of her life. Nine years.

She received her honorable discharge after years of distinguished service, "despite the severe injury she suffered in service to the Empire against the forces of The Enemy". Once she was back in civilian life, she had trouble adapting to the quiet life again. She had to stay busy, she had to do something.

She relocated to a Dalacari Trade Hub, to study the worlds around and be surrounded by people who weren't a part of the war. All manner of walks of life were present, and her curiosity sparked. She wanted to learn more. She wanted to learn about life. Rather than being taught about death.

She attended an internship aboard the station for four years, expanding her horizons and helping her cope with her issues. Though it didn't dispel all her demons. For those, she'd need to be useful again. Service.

She enlisted on a civilian trading ship, as a pilot, a ensign scientist, and extra muscle if needed.