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A Few Rearrangements

Posted on Tue Jun 18th, 2024 @ 3:11pm by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] & Lieutenant Commander Navesa Umyal & Lieutenant Commander Paisley F'rar & Lieutenant JG Aemrialis [Cronin] & Lieutenant JG Ursula Koi [Cronin] & Ensign Andronikos Jaesan [Cronin]

1,465 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M2: Culture Shock
Location: Stationary Orbit of Delta Base
Timeline: After "A Farewell"


Pioneer's NCC Lounge, Deck 10

"Ensign Aemrialis, I hereby offer you the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade and the position of Chief Medical Officer, you have stepped up and performed above and beyond the call of duty to keep Medical running smoothly. I hope you will accept." Cronin said and picked up a padd that he balanced a box on top of before holding it out to the Denobulan.

Aemrialis was a little taken aback but recovered quickly as Cronin knew he would, from his profile, the medical officer adapted well to new situations. The Denobulan recalled Umyal. "Sir, I recommend Lieutenant Commander Navesa Umyal for Chief Medical Officer for she is of higher rank as well so it should be her. I assisted her with Keer's treatment although we weren't successful and had to put her in stasis she performed excellently. I will be happy to fill Assistant Chief role if that is agreeable with you and her." He took the padd and box gently, a smile betraying his somewhat selfish side.

"Excellent, yes I do find it agreeable and I will ask her," Cronin nodded with a chuckle. "Ah Lieutenant Commander Umyal you say, thank you Lieutenant, I should have checked the Medical roster first," he tapped his combadge. combadge-projectdelta1 "Keys to Umyal, would you join us in the NCC Lounge?" combadge-projectdelta1 Cronin called and smiled as he summoned the medical officer before he turned to Ursula. "In the meantime, Lieutenant Junior Grade Koi, please accept my offer to be Assistant Chief Science Officer on a permanent basis?"

"I will Captain thank you," Ursula replied with a nodded.

Cronin smiled and nodded. "Much appreciated, much." He replied with a relieved sigh. He gestured to the table. "Well you all are welcome to stay and enjoy all this." He turned to Emma. "Commander Peel you have the conn, I'll be on the base."

"Aye, captain." Peel picked up a glass of tea and sipped it.

Perspective Shift
Lieutenant Commander Navesa Umyal
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
U.S.S. Pioneer - NCC-71910
NCC Lounge - Deck 10
Docked at Delta Base

Navesa had been filing out more reports for the situation concerning the previous Chief Medical Officer and the remainder of the patient reports for inoculations when she received the call from the Captain to meet him in the NCC Lounge. Navesa was not particularly too concerned and she would be able to give him an updated report on all the previous events involving the Medical department since she had to take Interim command of the entire department.

combadge-projectdelta1 "Aye, Captain. I am on my way." combadge-projectdelta1

She arrived at the NCC Lounge within minutes of leaving Sickbay, adjusted her uniform a bit, then stepped inside the Lounge. She saw the Captain over at a table near the viewport on the anterior wall of the Lounge. It was semi-lively in the Lounge, with several people clearly moving about, conversing, engaging in food consumption or beverage consumption of some kind, or otherwise having some kind of event between crew members. She did not spend much time in the Lounge, preferring the quiet of her quarters or the arboretum on board.

She moved to be within 5 feet of the Captain, saluted him, and waited for his acknowledgment, "Commander Umyal, reporting as requested Captain." She got into a semi-relaxed stance, though still stiff enough for military precision.


Before Cronin headed to the exit, Umyal arrived and Cronin smiled at her. "At ease Commander, please." He said nearly stepping forward but resisted the urge. "Thank you for coming, I understand that you were part of the treatment team for Doctor Keer. Thank you for all you tried, from the report I understand that there wasn't much to be done."

He frowned as he will miss Keer even though he didn't really know her that well. "Now Lieutenant JG Aemrialis here," he said as he gestured at the Denobulan. "Recommended that I offer you the Chief position and from what I have heard from him, I agree with all that was said. So officially I offer Chief Medical Officer to you." Cronin smiled and offered his hand. "I'd like to place Lieutenant JG Aemrialis as your Assistant Chief if that is agreeable with you, I've already offered it to him."

Perspective Shift
Lieutenant Commander Navesa Umyal

Navesa relaxed more openly when the Captain gave her permission, having a much more loose posture. As he made the offer for her to become the Chief Medical Officer, she gave a look of shock, as there were others on the crew with more direct seniority to her. She was a brand new crew member and it felt awkward to take their place. When the Captain suggested that the Lieutenant Chief Nurse become her Assistant, she felt slightly less shocked and nodded happily, taking his offered hand and shaking it firmly then quickly relinquishing it, "Aye, Aye, Sir. I would be honoured to take the position."

She looked over at the Lieutenant Junior Grade, gazed back at the Captain, and nodded heartily, "Agreed. I will not let you down, Captain."

Navesa stiffened slightly, "Then as one of my first acts as Chief Medical Officer, I recommend that we move Keer's stasis chamber to her quarters. We can rig up something to function within those quarters so that the functionality of the chamber is sustained. The familiar and comfortable surroundings of private quarters can help keep the mental state of one in stasis, however minor, to be heightened in comfort. I would like to keep her as feeling comfortable as possible, even if we cannot prevent the radiation damage, currently, from causing permanent damage. There may be a time when we can revive her and assist her in reducing that damage, but that will take time."

"A generalized report to you about the condition of the rest of the crew: inoculations have finished and only minor radiation damage is reported. The rest of the crew is in peak health and we are ready for whatever mission we take next. I would like to recommend that we keep an active theta radiation sweep for Delta Base and the entire Project Delta fleet until further notice. The Malons may not directly threaten us with intended aggression, but their waste certainly has no concern for life."

She settled at her final reporting and gave a smile, "Do you have any questions for me, Captain?"


Cronin was nodding along with all Umyal said. "Excellent, thank you for accepting. Actually Commander I'd like for you to arrange for Keer to be transferred to Delta Base's medical center. They will be better able to dedicate more resources to her care, maybe even treat her one day. We will be going into danger from one moment to another during our missions..." He said hopeful that Umyal would get the general idea of his reasoning.

Perspective Shift
Lieutenant Commander Navesa Umyal

Cronin's suggestion was valid considering that Delta Base had significantly better resources and capabilities to care for Keer than the Pioneer. She gave him a gentle nod of comprehension and acknowledgment, "Aye, aye, Captain. I agree with your assessment. I will have Keer transferred to the Delta Base's medical centre and we will continue to monitor her condition. I will send you regular quarterly updates."

"Is there anything else that you need from me before I continue with my duties, Captain?"


"Nothing else Commander," Cronin nodded with a smile, "I won't keep you both any longer," he gestured to both Umyal and Aemrialis, "if you require supplies from the base please let the supply officer know."

Aemrialis nodded and turned to Umyal with a smile of his own as he waited for her to led the way. "Congratulations Commander," he said with a grin, and it was a little wider then it sort of should be though Denobulans can expand their body a little when they want to intimidate. Especially around their heads.

"Oh I have authorized some shoreleave while we are here at the base, let Commander Peel know how long you'd like and hopefully soon we will be receiving our new mission." Cronin added quickly.

"Thank you sir," Aemrialis replied with a smile and gestured to Umyal that they should get her settled before anything else. The two left the Lounge.



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