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Posted on Sun Feb 18th, 2024 @ 4:38am by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] & Lieutenant Ailig Keys [Cronin] & Lieutenant Commander Devon Nova & Commander Emma Peel [NPC][Nova]
Edited on on Sun Feb 18th, 2024 @ 4:39am

1,863 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M2: Culture Shock
Location: Delta Base
Timeline: Mission 02 Start


Bridge, Flashback, 2 days ago

The Pioneer dropped out of warp and Flight Controller Keys brought the Galaxy class explorer into orbit of Delta Base. As soon as they arrived, a transmission from Commodore Ford on the Dauntless, which was on patrol, came to the attention of Master-at-Arms Jaesan who manned Tactical.

"Captain, hail from the Dauntless. They appear to be at the edge of the system." Andronikos reported.

Cronin turned and nodded at the Master-at-Arms to accept. "On screen," he said.

The Betazoid Fleet Executive Officer Alexandria Ford's bust replaced the view of the asteroid that became their home away from home. combadge-projectdelta1"Welcome back Captain, where is the Eureka?"combadge-projectdelta1

combadge-projectdelta1"Still at New Talax, Commodore, depending on how much assistance the Talaxians want and Commander Cain's schedule they could be on their way back in a week though it could be earlier." Cronin explained, he gestured at Ford. "There are however several issues you and Admiral Ryan need to know. The Malon were radiation dumping at New Talax, unfortunately one of their freighters exploded during the battle while the other was captured by an away team. We found radiation bombs aboard, though they had yet to use them on New Talax because the Talaxians had yet to settle there."

He frowned. "There is the possibility that the Malon may return there. I left the Eureka instructions to construct additional and upgrade the defense satellites that the Talaxians had deployed before landing while we took on the Malon. Soon a Benthan Guard cruiser arrived for the Malon because they had bombed several colonies, and not just theirs but others." Cronin took a breath as he hoped his decisions would be judged correct. "After much investigation and conversation with both the Malon and Benthans, I decided that it would be in Starfleet's best interest that we look into this bombing ring further by working with my senior staff on a covert operation to observe and where the opportunity presents itself to sabotage them and their goals." He paused for a few moments and smiled sheepishly.

"I contacted Delta Base for feedback and gained command's blessing then, upon our return, would meet with the Strategic Information Service about this operation which we have fondly named 'Clean Sweep'." Cronin said and grinned. "Admiral Ryan said that it was a good idea and that we'd work out the finer details when we returned."combadge-projectdelta1

It did seem like Alexandria Ford was annoyed that she had been overlooked as Fleet XO but she suddenly recalled that she was away from the base for a few days on housekeeping duties for the system. She nodded as she listened to the Captain's story, it was impressive that they captured a Malon freighter. She could tell he'd not finished yet but chimed in. combadge-projectdelta1"Sensors indicate you do not have the freighter now?"combadge-projectdelta1

Cronin shook his head. combadge-projectdelta1"For the operation to work we'd need the Malon to lead us to their assets and so the Benthans agreed to shadow them as discreetly as they could until we are ready to commence the operation. We did plant tracking devices on their freighter so Commander Danil of the Benthan Guard Cruiser Ngaio could keep a lock on Controller Vrelk and his Export Vessel Kant, that is until the Malon discover the devices. Though my MACOs are experts at their jobs and assure me they hid it well."combadge-projectdelta1

There it was, Alexandria made the 'ah-there's-the-catch' expression and Cronin frowned apologetically.

combadge-projectdelta1"I also believed it was not a good idea to expose Delta Base so soon to the Malon should they ever escape us, so we arranged for them to be given to the Benthans and they 'lost' them on their way back to their space. Admiral Ryan also wanted for us all to meet when the Eureka returned so Commander Cain could join us to present our reports to both of you."combadge-projectdelta1

Alexandria nodded and agreed with the plans clearly already set by her superior. combadge-projectdelta1"Sound assessment and well done Captain. I agree we shall convene when the Eureka returns and we'll strategize. Welcome back, I suggest you and your crew stay on alert. The Vigilant reported picking up Kazon warp signatures at the edges of our range but none of them registered from Voyager logs."combadge-projectdelta1

combadge-projectdelta1"Understood, call if you require assistance, Commodore."combadge-projectdelta1 Cronin offered with a nod.

She nodded back and the transmission ended. The Project Delta logo appeared on the viewer for several moments then the directly ahead view of space in front of them returned, they could see many of the Merchant Marine and Colonial fleet somewhat flying around. The two Daedalus-class refitted as factory ships were occupied with construction efforts for various things. It seemed that they were working on Delta Base itself as well as expanding outward to provide docking facilities as many workbees, shuttles and enviro-suited personnel were all about doing the work, from what Cronin could see.

Pioneer's Bridge, 1 day ago

Commander Peel was sitting the First Officer's chair, hearing the news. "Does this mean we are returning to New Talax soon, captain?"

Nova was in the NCC Lounge, enjoying some fresh coffee, for what seems like a very long time.

"I actually don't know Commander, I have to meet with Command now to see." Cronin replied with a smile. "I suspect the Admiral has bigger plans for us. In the meantime I'm authorizing a week's R&R for all. Senior officers first off the ship." He added as he stood.

"I will relay that to the senior officers, captain." she replied.

"That includes you as well so account for that in the rosters Commander," Cronin smiled before he headed off to the transporter room. "I'll be back soon, Commander."

Delta Base, Present Day

The meeting with Rear Admiral Ryan and fleet staff lasted 6 hours. They talked about Operation Clean Sweep, the Malon and their bombs. They talked about the Benthans, the Talaxians and their colony's progress then at the end Ryan dismissed everyone but Cronin.

"Captain, I'd like you to go with a Merchant Marine convoy to Ledos to begin establishing trade talks with as many as you can. Admiral Janeway's reports of their visit to Ledos indicated that many species conduct commerce there so perhaps we can start there," the Rear Admiral said once all the other officers had left.

Cronin nodded. "That does sound like a good place to start and close by." He commented, "while I trust the Merchant Marines capable to protect their goods, the Pioneer is but 1 starship. Well 2 in an emergency." Cronin chuckled with a slight nervous concern.

Ryan smiled. "Not to worry Captain, contact the Vigilant and inform Commander Reeder that he is ordered to escort duty for you and the convoy for this mission. We will need to show that we are capable of defending ourselves and our trading partners should the need arise."

"Aye Admiral, maybe a fighter wing on standby could be helpful sir?" Cronin asked, he did noticed that Janeway's report had mentioned many smaller vessels were present during their visit and while having larger starships is a show of strength, not always a good thing.

That seemed to give the Rear Admiral pause. "I will look into it, maybe have the Dauntless patrol between us and Ledos."

Cronin nodded again with a smile. "That does make me feel better, thank you sir. Of course this is just a precautionary suggestion."

"Indeed," Ryan smiled again and nodded. "Very well, dismissed and good luck, I want updates and I will board Voyager to join you should you need command's approval for anything. I would like to sign the final agreement." He added.

"I shall inform you of such so you can join me for that sir and thank you." Cronin said though ambivalent about the Rear Admiral assigning the mission to him yet said he'd come and probably will later. "If you could let me know how the Talaxians, and the Eureka crew are when they return would be great sir," Cronin request as he turned to leave but looked over his shoulder.

"Will do Captain, safe travel." Ryan said.

Cronin nodded and left the Admiral's office making his way to the transporter room, he had a new Chief Security/Tactical Officer to find. The Assistant Chief had declined the promotion offer and no one in the department seemed to want it either, unfortunately Tamsin Wyrick was still being treated and it didn't look good. They predicted that she'd be placed in Stasis, then he thought of Christian Rogers could take on the role permanently. That could help merge the MACOs into Security more, it was worth a try.


OOC GM: Below are some writing aids for solo or joint points at any stage of the intermission or during Mission 01 as flashbacks.

Be in at least 2 of these locations while completing a Challenge:
Bridge, Conference Room, Turbolift, Sickbay, Medical lab, Science lab, Deck 7 Corridor, Shuttlebay
Mess Hall, Nebula Coffee Co Lounge (NCC Lounge), Main Engineering, Engineering Lab, Quarters,
Deck 16 Corridor, Transporter Room, Brig, Security Office, Arboretum, Gym, Library, Holodeck

Complete at least 1 of these in either of those 2 locations:
Encounter a Malfunction (you can try to fix it or call for NPC help), Spoken Historical Reference
Use a Non-handheld Piece of Equipment, Have a Memory Flashback, Make a Bad Joke
Quote a Rule of Acquisition, Speak the Famous saying "I'm a 1X, not a X" 1X = Your job title
Try something New, Have an Awkward Moment, Experience an Emergency


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