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New Officers Joining Senior Staff Part 3/3

Posted on Mon Aug 26th, 2024 @ 9:22pm by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] & Lieutenant Commander Jason Morris & Lieutenant Commander Paisley F'rar

1,732 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M2: Culture Shock
Location: Delta Base
Timeline: After "A Farewell" and "A Few Rearrangements"

Delta Base, Chief Engineer's Office

Jason entered the room and took a look at the Captain and Engineer, "Sir," He nodded to the Captain, "Hello." he nodded lookin at the Engineer. "Lieutenant Commander Jason Morris."

He recalled he'd not asked the same question of Jason, Cronin decided he'd ask after Paisley answered.

Paisley nodded at the new person. "Nice to meet you," she said. "Lieutenant Commander Paisley F'rar", she said. She turned back to Keys. "I am much more of a hands-on type of leader. I never ask my team to do anything that I wouldn't do or have done myself. I will be the first one to volunteer and the last one to leave. I have had Chiefs who are the "sit in the office" types and while that is a valid thing, I personally find it....distasteful. Besides, I am kinetic and need the stimulation of actually DOING things," she said. "I do recognize that some amount of office work is necessary, of course...but hopefully I can find a way to compact it into a slower day," she said. "Or Beta shift or something," she finished.

Cronin chuckled. "As chief I do hope you will allow your staff to prove themselves and do their jobs? Trust me I was mostly a hands on as well and it was difficult not to do things myself," he said and gestured at himself. "I did get a few complaints about it back in my department head days." He figured that sharing some faults of his own would help connect his new officers to him so they will be a great team.

"Of course!" she said. "I just...I hate the kind of Department chief who just sits in the office all day, is what I meant," she said. "I like to do engineering work, and I like to be in the thick of things, but I also know how to delegate and when to let people's natural abilities and talents shine. My particular skill set is in civil engineering-physically building things-so of course, I'll lean a lot on people like the Propulsion specialists for that kind of thing, and so on," she said. "I do know my limits and understand I can't do everything. I am far from perfect, and I know that," she said, honestly.

A builder type, Cronin mused. "Could you tell me about some things you have built? I have a feeling that you may be in for a challenge as building may become a very busy profession soon. We are looking to colonize a world here in the Delta at some point in the future." His eyes went wider, oops, he thought. "Oh my I think I spoke too much, though most of it will be done by the Corps of Engineers but who knows the Pioneer may be present at that time." Cronin said with the slightest smirk.

Jason chuckled at the Captain's slip of the tongue. "I think it would be a fair guess Starfleet would want a more established base in the Delta quadrant sir." He looked back to F'rar, "I am curious as well Commander, what kinda projects have you worked on or designed?"

Paisley raised an eyebrow. "The Fleet has many secrets," she said. Whether those secrets were this project the man mentioned, or whatever, she didn't know...or care much. But he recovered so she did, too. "Sure," she said. She pulled up a few photos on her PADD. "The first one is a row of raised planters at Seabase SARA-the botany department there was new and we were just getting set up. The second is a personal project-wine barrels. My father's family owns a Kanar production operation back on Cardassia Prime," her tone had shifted momentarily. "And finally, my most recent project...rebuilding a shuttle from scratch," she said. "We had a big battle with the Breen...the shuttle was shot out of the sky. The pilot didn't make it but SOME of the shuttle did. I had to rebuild it until we get a tow back here," she said. "I started building things when I was a kid-mostly, actually, taking them apart then rebuilding. Started with old Sol technology called a "radio."

Cronin smiled. "Oh interesting, wait the Breen attacked? When was that? The one back during the Dominion War?" He frowned and slightly bowed his head in respect for all lost in the war before looking at his officers again.

She nodded. "Nah, the shuttle got caught in the Badlands," she said. "I am surprised you didn't hear about it. Anyway. They were out there, doing...well, probably up to no good. We-the ship- came across them trying to find our shuttle, and..." she trailed off. "But you should've seen THEM," she quipped. "I am alright, but the shuttle wasn't." She shrugged.

"Your shuttle took on the Breen and won? Forgive me but I believe the storms got them is more likely unless it was a combination of the two." Cronin replied.

"No, the ship did," she said, clarifying. "The shuttle was caught in some of the gunfire," she said. "We managed to rescue a couple of folks," she said, letting the rest be unsaid. "My apologies for being unclear. There was a small team of us-myself, our Assistant Medical officer, and one of the ops guys," she said. "Get in, get out, it'll be fine, they said." She shook her head. "It never is, is it? Good thing the ship wasn't far. But the lost shuttle was too far out to tow back, so we just did a rescue that way," she said.

"I agree it never is. Ah, well done, how long do you need to pack?" Cronin inquired with a nod and a smile.

Paisley smiled. "Just a couple of hours," she said. "My XO let me know I was being reassigned. She just didn't give me any details," she said. "When will you be ready for me?" She asked.

A smile appeared on Cronin's face. "Immediately actually," he replied though leaned forward. "Sooner the better but if you need time we have some to spare."

Paisley shook her head. "I will be ready in two hours," she said, firmly. "Thank you."

"Of course, 2 hours Commander." Cronin nodded.

He turned to Jason. "I'd like to pose the same question to you as well Commander Morris. Is there particular ways you’d like to manage the Security and Tactical department that you’d like to discuss?” He asked, Cronin walked over to the Security Chief, though gestured for Paisley to take her chair behind her former desk so she could start packing to depart soon.

"Nothing out of the ordinary sir; I do require all security and tactical officers to become basic first aid certified as well to maintain at least one physical activity." Jason tracked the Captain as he came to him. "Anything else would have to wait until I am more acquainted with the department." Jason stopped for a second to recall the question asked of Commander F'rar.

When he recalled in questions he continued, "If you are referring to how I will manage the department in respect to the personal; While I taught at the Academy I found that it is better to give students opportunity and guidance when necessary and let the students learn." Jason looked towards Paisley, "Not to say a hands on approach isn't necessary," He looked back at the Captain. "For me I would rather be the head who sits back in my office instead of needing to be with my people, I'd prefer being the last resource they need."

Paisley simply shrugged. She wasn't offended; each leader was different and how they ran their department was up to them. "Of course," she interrupted. "We all have different styles, and what I do in Engineering might not work well for you," she said, with a nod. "I understand your point of view."

"I see, both methods are quite acceptable," Cronin said as he held eye contact with Jason then glanced at Paisley for a few moments, nodded, before returning to Jason. "You taught at the Academy, most gratifying to know. Is that something you might want to return to at some later time?" He asked, curious as he hoped it wouldn't be for a while.

Jason nodded, "I might, I enjoyed the academy quite well. However, Alex and I have spent quite awhile at the academy. I would like to bring some teaching to the ship sir." He told the captain, "As you can see in my record sir I taught Security and Martial Arts."

"I'm sure the Master-at-arms will be happy to have your assistance in cross department training programs, would you know any of the M.A.C.O. training regimes?" Cronin asked as he leaned forward slightly.

Nodding his head Jason continued, "Yes sir, while I am not well versed in the M.A.C.O. training, some of my students were M.A.C.O.. I can look over any training programs they have and get familiar with them as well." Jason said slightly nodding his head still, "Also, I appreciate modern training programs sir, however I am a Historian and I tend to reference or use some training programs and regimens from the past. With your permission at least sir." Jason stopped nodding while looking between Captain Keys and Commander Paisley.

"Consider it given Commander, once you have one set up ready to go, please do see me and walk me through it." Cronin said with a nod. "Well it seems we have come to the time we should head back to the Pioneer," he said and made his way over to the door but faced Paisley. "See you in a couple of hours Commander F'rar, I'll have my Yeoman meet you in the transporter room onboard to get you sorted."

The Carjoran engineer nodded. "Yes, sir," she said, standing. "I look forward to it," she said, heading for the door.

Cronin turned turned to Jason. "Let's collect your son and head to the Pioneer Commander," he suggested as he gestured to the door.

"Yes sir." Jason said standing up and moving towards the door at the Captain's prompting he continued out the door ahead of the Captain trying to spot Alex.



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