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An End to the Mission Brief Part 3/3

Posted on Wed Aug 7th, 2024 @ 5:24pm by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] & Lieutenant Ailig Keys [Cronin] & Lieutenant Commander Jason Morris & Lieutenant Commander Rafael Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Paisley F'rar & Commander Alexander Reeder [GM] & Lieutenant JG Aemrialis [Cronin] & Lieutenant JG Ursula Koi [Cronin] & Ambassador Ruko Kelleg [Cronin]

1,053 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Culture Shock
Location: En Route to Ledos, 1st day, of 4, of travel at Warp 5
Timeline: Current


Pioneer's Conference Lounge, Deck 1

"Yes I detected the Kazon warp signatures while on patrol back when we first arrived," Alexander spoke up. "We don't know how they got out here and unless we go looking for them to ask, I think it best we simply keep an eye out as Lieutenant Nebuchadnezzar recommended. I already made that same recommendation in my report to Delta Command. If the Kazon wanted to attack they would have."

Cronin nodded. "While their origins are far, we should consider they may have a temporary base or bases nearby. They are conquerors after all and seek dominion of others. 20 years is a long time and things may have changed for whatever reason. This is one of the primary reasons we are here is to find out the state of affairs in the Delta quadrant. Please keep an eye out for Kazon warp signatures Commander Morris and if you would as well 'Captain' Reeder?"

"Aye sir, I'll keep an active long range search for Kazon signatures." Jason said inputting a reminder into his PADD, as well as sending a message to the tactical console on the bridge.

"Excellent." Cronin replied.

Alexander nodded. "Of course, I'll let my crew know as soon as we are done here."

"I'll also check on them; shields may need to be employed, in case, but they've been retrofitted and are ready," Paisley said. She wasn't an idle person, and had gotten right to work on updating and maintaining things; her predecessor had left it all nice, but she still liked things a certain way.

"Montoya, if you can get me a sector scan ASAP, that'd be helpful for Nebuchadnezzar and I to coordinate on keeping the outer hulls of the ship safe," she said. Whether that was a force field or just shields, she'd need more info.

Nothing seemed to come for an extra moment or two and so Cronin turned to Aemralis. "Lieutenant, I'd like for you to look into any Medical knowledge that we may offer the Ledosians, or any trading partners for that matter, that isn't too recent, it'll be great to use that knowledge in the trade talks?"

"Yes sir, I'll consult with Commander Umyal. We should have a list by the time we arrive," the Denobulan replied as he made a few notes as to his suggestions. Federation medical science has come a long way since the Dominion War and from Voyager's database that a lot of medical treatments have been developed along with technology to conduct those treatments amongst other things. Aemralis nodded. "We could put some medical supplies and equipment up for trade as well, though perhaps downgraded in terms of the materials used."

That made Cronin nod. "Good idea, let the Ambassador know of what Medical will be donating to the trading list."

Aemralis nodded back. "Yes sir."

"If there is nothing else?" Cronin asked opening the meeting 'floor' to anyone who may have anything to say or ask.

The Carjoran engineer shook her head. "Nothing from me, sir," she said. Not yet.

"Very well, you all are dismissed, Ambassador, 'Captain' Reeder please stay." Cronin announced as he stood. "Thank you for your time," he added and waited for them all to leave.

Paisley scooted out quickly, headed for Main Engineering. Time to rally the troops.

"Nothing from me either," Aemralis said as he stood. He followed Paisley out.
"Same," Nebuchadnezzar announced and stood as well before following Aemralis out. Soon only Reeder, Kelleg and Keys remained in the room.

The three sat back down. "What is up, as the general saying goes that I hear Humans speak?" Kelleg asked.

"I would like to take a team over to the Trading Hub station before you go Ambassador," Cronin began. "I'd like to gauge the overall general sense of the hub. Perhaps see what kind of trades those using the Hub are interested in and report back?"

Alexander folded his hands and leaned back in his chair. "I have to say that does seem like a prudent course of action considering the Ledosians possibly still harbour hostility to Starfleet and if we had knowledge of what traders want then we'd have more success winning trade agreements over others." Reeder said with a nod at Cronin.

Kelleg had to agree, and Trade talks wasn't his only purpose here. "Very well Captain, though don't take too long, who knows how long the Ledosians will tolerate us, especially if we suddenly undermine their trade partners."

Both the Starfleet command officers nodded, they clearly hadn't thought of that though it was only a matter of time before they did, Kelleg assumed, so he was glad to bring that to their attention early. "That is a good point Ambassador," Cronin said as he glanced at the table. "We'd have to keep the Ledosians involved somehow to appease them."

"That's why I am here, you leave negotiations to me but I will have to join the discussions at least once." Kelleg said to Cronin. "Of course if you wish to as well Commander," the Ambassador glanced at Reeder for a moment but Alexander shook his head. The three laughed at various degrees. "Very well, I will need the Merchant Marines representative along as well."

"I believe they are the Captain of the Aaltonen. A Miss Anita Niina." Cronin replied before a brief glance up then down as he went back through his memories of the Merchant Marines personnel manifests.

"I will contact her," Kelleg stated, "this is a civilian/semi-civilian part of the mission. I will let you know when we are ready Captain, Commander," the Ambassador stood and the officers did so as well. "Enjoy the trip," he said as he left.

Once the Ambassador left Alexander sighed. "I'm glad I'm not the military leader of this mission."

"Thanks," Cronin said half sarcastic and half in jest though he was glad he wasn't in any of the Project's administration. "Though aren't you the Tactical Advisor to the Project?" Cronin asked with a cheeky grin.

Alexander sighed again. "Well not for the duration of this mission." Reeder smiled back.

The two had been standing since the Ambassador left and so left the conference lounge a moment later sharing one more laugh.



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