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Difficulties Already? Part 1/2

Posted on Thu Jul 18th, 2024 @ 7:29am by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] & Lieutenant Ailig Keys [Cronin] & Lieutenant Commander Jason Morris & Lieutenant Commander Rafael Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Paisley F'rar & Commander Alexander Reeder [GM] & Ambassador Ruko Kelleg [Cronin]
Edited on on Fri Jul 19th, 2024 @ 1:04am

1,130 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Culture Shock
Location: Ledosian space, Ledos
Timeline: After "Mission Brief" and 3 Days of Travel at Warp 5


Pioneer's Bridge

"The fleet's disengaging warp now Captain," came the announcement from the helm, Lieutenant Ailig Keys glanced over his shoulder with a smile. "We are about 4 hours from Ledos." He said once the 7 ships were confirmed back to sublight speed. "The Dragonblossom had reported slight engine trouble but the Walker assisted them about 2 hours ago."

"I'm glad they were able to help their own, the Merchant Marines are quite capable and I heard many are former Starfleet officers for whatever reason." Cronin said with a smile. "Full impulse to Ledos," he ordered and stood with a brief glance over to his Yeoman, Master Chief Petty Officer Akosass Ch'idran, then back to the viewer. "Master Chief, would you call the Ambassador and let him know to be ready in 5 hours?"

"Aye Captain, full impulse," Ailig replied and the small fleet were now approaching the Ledosian homeworld.

"Yes Captain." Sass replied as he tapped at his combadge and was about to leave the bridge to sort out some other tasks.

"Oh Master Chief, would you take the lead monitoring both the Ventu and the Tachyon barrier? Discreetly." Cronin said and stressed the last word with another glance in his direction. "Seven of Nine's sensor data and logs will be of great help to you, well hopefully the barrier hasn't changed in 20 years."

"Consider it done, Captain." Sass nodded as he replied and left the bridge to go speak with the Ambassador in his quarters. There was no need to call the Ambassador as time was on their side. He wondered about the Ventu and whether they need to do anything about them upon the taskgroup's arrival.

Cronin watched his Yeoman leave then called out to the whole bridge, "department heads! Check all systems and personnel readiness. Any further preparations you need to sort out, you have 3 hours."

Paisley nodded from the Engineer console. combadge-projectdelta1All engineers, report in with status. Repeat, report back.combadge-projectdelta1 A bit later, she spoke again, loudly. "Sir, Engineering reports an all clear status; my team is ready and able to assist."

"Thank you Commander," Cronin replied and smiled. A few chirps from the sensor suite that sounded from the Ops station indicating that the fleet had been scanned.

Jason signaled for the security duty officer to take over at the console; grabbing his P.A.D.D., he walked around towards the Captain and stood off to the left of Captain Keys. "Sir, the security department is reporting ready. All weapons are functioning, and training for officers is continuing to improve. We did have some injuries with the training, but nothing serious; they are on light duty until cleared by medical." Jason used the P.A.D.D. to bring up the injury reports. " Would you like to go over the reports, sir?" he said, extending his hand with the P.A.D.D. towards the Captain.

"That's quite alright Commander, though I would recommend going through them with my Yeoman Master Chief Ch'idran when he returns." Cronin replied as he held up a hand to refuse the P.A.D.D. "Though I would like to be informed as to the MACO training progress, the MACO team does keep me informed but I would like to read from the view of the security personnel who are doing it at least once a week?"

"Aye sir, I'll add that to daily logs sent to you and I'll speak with Master Chief Ch'idran at a later time sir." Jason replied.

"Captain," Ensign Nebuchadnezzar announced, "sensors indicate that we are being scanned, the source is a Ledosian combat cruiser. They appear to be on patrol and at the moment between us and Ledos."

"Might as well return the favour, Ensign, full sensor suite, sweep the area," Cronin replied.

Nebuchadnezzar started the active scan, a brief gasp as the results listed on zir display. "Reading 3 stations, 2 of them appear to be trading hubs as there are 7 trade ships in various stages of docking, coming and going. The 3rd, I believe it is the primary military station, suffered a fair amount of battle damage…" A pause then a glance over zir shoulder. "Kazon weapons signatures Captain." Ze saw the Captain nod and ze returned zir focus back on zir console. "3 Ledosian destroyers have various degrees of battle damage…" Ze paused again and turned around to face the rest of the bridge. "From Hierarchy weapons signatures, Captain." The Hermat raised an eyebrow. "I've already put these logs for analysis in the Library sir."

This new information was concerning, both the Kazon and the Hierarchy attacked the Ledosians, he wondered if they attacked at the same time. Cronin walked over to Ops and looked down at the sensor suite's readings. "Very well Ensign. The barrier?"

"It is currently stable but sensors did record a fluctuation just after we exited warp." Nebuchadnezzar replied with some concern.

Cronin nodded. "Keep Master Chief Ch'idran informed as to that fluctuation and if any others occur Ensign."

"Yessir." Nebuchadnezzar replied, only a few moments later a report came from the Library. "Captain, the attacks on the destroyers and military station didn't happen at the same time. The weapons signatures have a different decay rate to each other. It seems that the Kazon attacked after the Hierarchy did the destroyers."

Now that was interesting, were the two parties working together or simply taking advantage of the Ledosians weakened state? Cronin mused and decided to consult his senior officers later about it in the meeting when they got to orbit. "Ledos is still 4 hours away, so we have time to plan." Cronin said with a nod.

"If you need help, I can pop up a shield," the Engineer said. "We may need one, anyway. Do we know what class of planet we're heading for?" Her poor core couldn't handle too heavy radiation yet. It was still a mess down there.

"It's not dangerous or anything Commander," Cronin replied, unsure of what the Engineer was talking about, yet having shields ready is common practice for all situations so he knew that Paisley would throw the shields up at a moment's notice or should their visit be unwelcome.

"OK," she said. She had been worried about it-if there was too much radiation, it could affect the hulls. That was good news. "I just concerned for the hulls and such," she said.

Speaking to F'rar, "Ledos is Class M, so there shouldn't be any planetary radiation issues."

"Thank you, Sir," she said, returning her gaze to her console.


To Be Continued…


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