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Mission Briefing Continues Part 2/3

Posted on Fri Jul 19th, 2024 @ 1:10am by Captain Cronin Keys [GM] & Lieutenant Commander Jason Morris & Lieutenant Commander Rafael Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Paisley F'rar & Lieutenant JG R'naya Riss & Commander Alexander Reeder [GM] & Lieutenant JG Nebuchadnezzar [GM] & Ambassador Ruko Kelleg [Cronin]
Edited on on Fri Jul 19th, 2024 @ 1:40am

1,200 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Culture Shock
Location: En Route to Ledos, 1st day, of 4, of travel at Warp 5
Timeline: After "A Few Arrangements"


Pioneer's Conference Lounge, Deck 1

"I do expect some hostility but since we have come with trading as our first purpose I think they might overlook Voyager's actions." Cronin said to Rafael. He turned to Paisley, "it is interesting indeed Commander," he smiled before looking at those assembled as a group.

Raf nodded, "Understood." Looking to the engineer then back to the Captain. "The Voyager crew encountered many energy phenomena during its journey. It's understandable that, and I do not want to speak for her, but perhaps she is thinking of the wrong incident? Just to clarify for everyone but the barrier on Ledos is on the surface of the planet that separates and protects the Ventu, a primitive culture of Ledosians, from their technologically advanced counterparts."

Paisley nodded once. Weird.

"It should be pointed out that the Ledosians didn't create the barrier, or at least that's what I gathered from Admiral Janeway's log. At first glance it seemed that some other species put the Ventu inside and sealed them." Cronin said after nodding to F'rar and Montoya. "It is an interesting choice and indeed highly advanced tech, though the barrier generator could have been there from times past, inactive and a tribe of early Ledosians could have stumbled upon the generator, triggered it and now are trapped as the Ventu. Either way," he kind of trailed off thinking about how they'd deal with these two theories should either be proven or any others are discovered.

"Either way, we're going in?" the Carjoran ventured. Why was it always HER caught up in this kind of nonsense?! She should've been one of the paper pushers or something.

Cronin considered her question. "I guess if we have to. Hopefully this time with less technology and more incognito. 20 years is a long time, maybe more of them now that we'd not get noticed. That's a course of action for a more appropriate time. Though" he turned to the Assistant Chief Operations Officer. "Lieutenant, I'd like for you to keep an eye on the barrier and see, with both Engineering and Sciences assistance, if its possible to manipulate the barrier in anyway?" Cronin requested, he smiled with a sad droop in his expression at Nebuchadnezzar. "It is unfortunate that Seven is not with us as she'd be a great help but whatever you and your team can work out," he left it open to whatever happens, happens. "While you are doing that, I'd like constant scans of the system and updates as to threats as well as potential trading partners that register in the Voyager database as friendly?"

Paisley nodded. "Yes, sir," she replied. She noted such in her PADD.

"Yes sir, I will look into regular scans of the area and of the Barrier. Since those who made the Barrier aren't around anymore and the generator not maintained, it is likely that Seven of Nine's deflector specs will still work." Nebuchadnezzar explained as ze gestured casually in front of zirself. It was something of a 'you-know' expression as the Hermat was known for zir use of hand gesturing while talking.

Cronin nodded. "Very good, I'm sure your ship is also making long range scans of the Ledosian system?" He asked Alexander, who is 'Captain' of the Vigilant.

Alexander nodded. "I did give that order before coming to this meeting as we are on our way there as we speak," he did a small nod towards Nebuchadnezzar. "Though a Galaxy-class has better sensors and range compared to a Defiant-class, though most of our ships did get upgrades but two sensor suites are better than one regardless." Alexander said and smiled. "I'll have my Operations Chief coordinate with you Lieutenant Nebuchadnezzar."

Cronin nodded at Nebuchadnezzar. "We may not get the chance to use any probes or physically get close." He added with a little disappointment as their mission was diplomacy not to poke around the system.

"Thank you 'Captain'." Nebuchadnezzar nodded to Reeder and smiled. "I will be glad with any assistance from the Vigilant." Ze replied and turned back to zir Captain. "I understand sir and I suspect we may be able to come up with an excuse when we get there." The Hermat grinned.

Cronin eyed the Hermat for a moment before making a small nod of 'that's-probably-true' expression and turned to Jason. "Commander Morris, I'll need a pair of security officers to accompany me and Ambassador Kelleg to the talks? The Vigilant will remain on patrol duty, though" Cronin turned to Alexander. "You are welcome to come along and leave the patrol to your XO if you wish, 'Captain'," he nodded before turning back to Jason. "As we have the Merchant Marines and cargo at stake, from the constant scans Nebuchadnezzar can relay to you all the readings for tactical assessments and create countermeasures," Cronin paused and glanced away for a moment thinking of anything else.

Nodding Jason turned and looked at the duty officer behind him, "Lieutenant jg Simon and Ensign Quinlan can accompany you and the Ambassador to the talks sir, if you feel you could use more we can also detail a second team." Jason looked back towards Captain Keys. "I will have Ensign Jaesan mock up the tactical analysis and countermeasures." turning towards Lieutenant jg Nebuchadnezzar, "Do we have any known threats I should specifically prepare for?" He asked as he tapped on the padd sending orders to security officers.

"Thank you," Cronin said and waited for Nova to reply, though he had a feeling that Montoya might chime in with info about Ledos and any local trouble that may come their way.

"Considering the Kazon presence that 'Captain' Reeder reported I suggest Kazon. They are a threat and with so little information about their possible numbers nearby, keeping an eye out as the common phrase goes would be a prudent course of action, sir." Nebuchadnezzar responded with a fang filled smile, the same teeth Humans have that are the fanglike ones but sharper. Hermats are an androgynous species though very similar to Caitians in terms of behaviour and some physical features like sharp Fangs, it isn't quite known why since they joined the Federation.

Raf wondered about the reports of Kazon this far from their home territory. Exiled perhaps? But even then there were any number of worlds they could have settled on; Not to mention the considerable obstacles they would have had to face to get this far. "The area of space that is, or at least was, core to the Kazon clans is a considerable distance from and completely on the opposite side of Borg territory. I would speculate that any Kazon that made it this far, even with diminished Borg presence, would most likely be in a bad way. Which based on the Voyager data, would make them more aggressive.

Adding after a pause. "Unless something changed, drastically, within the Kazon Secs since Voyager's last encounter."

"And HOW they got this far," Paisley interrupted. "Even with warp, it's a several months' journey. How'd they do it undetected?" Curious.

To Be Continued…


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